chapter 14

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"hooo someone is finally back to civilization,"

jun is whistling while leaning back on his chair with a huge cheesy grin form in his handsome face when his friend walk in to the classroom.

looking fresh and happy.

jisoo chuckle when seungcheol flop on his chair on jun's right and pinch the chinese man's cheek. jun slap his hand lightly and pout.

"i can't believe you send jeonghan to my place,"

"yah it wasn't me, it's all this guy doing" jun point his thumb at jisoo who sit on his left. the said guy only shrug his shoulder absentmindedly.

"aren't you should be grateful?" jisoo give a cheeky tease. jun give seungcheol a knowing nudge, his eyebrows moving up and down.

"shut up," was the only thing the alpha could come up with a blushing face. he can't believe their friends join hands in teasing him.

"we're together,"

he said softly while taking out his book after a while.

jun and jisoo give him full attention.

"me and jeonghan are dating." he look down, taking a deep breath before he shifted up toward 2 pairs of eyes.

"it's about time i guess," jun make a short remark, shrugging his shoulders.

seungcheol's then lingered toward jisoo, staring with soft eyes at the omega who still hasn't said anything. they lock eyes for a moment until jisoo let out a small smile.

"yeah, about time."

seungcheol break into a genuine smile and the 3 of fall in silence.

"so how was it yesterday? you haven't tell us."

seungcheol feel his eyes twitched at the question. he pulled his friend's ear til the man yelp in pain and the 2 start bickering again. jisoo only watch without batting an eyelash. just another noisy day then laugh lightly.


jisoo is just watching with amusement when seungcheol smiling like a crazy man, eyes gleaming at whatever jeonghan messaged just now. big grin plastered on his face and it doesn't show any hint of disappearing. the man sure is living in happiest stage of his live currently.

jun left them right after the class over, rushing to his part time job in the coffee shop near the school. jisoo on the other hand was taking his time, he has nothing to do after all aside from an appointment later this evening.

surge of warm feeling is filling his heart at the reminder of what will happen this evening. just like seungcheol, there's grin on his face too when he remember a message he received while they're in class an hour ago.

but watching the happiness on his best friend's face right now, a tug and unsatisfying feeling suddenly is coming back to surface and it's honestly bothering him.

"can i ask something?"
jisoo suddenly speak when finally there's only the 2 of them in the classroom.

seungcheol look up from his bag, stopping inserting his book to his bag.

"i was intend to not ask, but i think my curiosity just killed me." he started off, biting his bottom lip and hugging himself close for self protection.

seungcheol is waiting patiently.

"why did you called jeonghan stink?"

the alpha rolled his eyes and exhales, muttering something like murdering a freaking moon junhui and send his ass back to china with fedex.

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