chapter 1.

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"What do you want him to be? "

"I wish he's an omega," the soft feature's man raised his eyebrows at what his husband said.

"So, he can be as cute as you're" the man continued as he chuckles.
His hand was rubbing the huge bump of the beautiful man. Their son will be born in this world in less than a month. He couldn't wait.

The soon to be mother looked at his husband's smiling face fondly.

"I wish him to be an alpha" he said after a while.

They locked eyes

"why?" The soft question was followed by a pout.

"So that he can be the one who protects his fated mate. To find and take care of them. Just like how you protected me."
it brought a little shock to the bigger built man, then he's relaxed, smiling softly as he continued caressing his beloved husband's tummy.

"yes, you're right. I hope he can find his fated mate, love them, and protecting them. I hope he can find his happiness like I did."

the smile on the pregnant man slowly grew wider and the slight blush on his pale cheek couldn't make the soon to be father happier than this.

"seungcheol will be a great boy."

the husband nodded proudly.

"he will live up to the choi's family name"


"how do you recognized your fated mate appa?"

the 10 years old boy asked curiously. and look excited by judging how his eyes sparkled whenever the topic of fated mate was brought up. his life fairy tale was all about to find his fated mate, to protect and take care of them. how as an alpha, his destiny was to protect the omega. he's still doesn't understand what's the purpose and concept of alpha, beta, and omega. too young to understand but from an early age, he's already presented and acknowledged enough that he's dominant alpha, the top tier of the society. one who has a bright and settled future.

His father swallowed his chicken before answering the giddy boy in front of him who's holding his chopstick ready to dig the chicken teriyaki on top of the table, waiting for his turn after his father.

"oh, you will know when it's time." the older man was laughing heartily.

"your chest will pound, your heart will beat so fast like you just run a marathon. your body will feel hot and you will only see that one person in your eyes."

little seungcheol nodded his head, munching his chicken.

"was that what you feel when you see eomma?"

"owwww your mother was the best part. his pheromone drove me crazy when I first met him" seungcheol giggled at seeing his father reminisced his memory with his mother, chopstick took another chicken and put it in his mouth.

"I can literally smell him from 10 meters away. he got a really special pheromone. at first, I was curious, who smells this good? then I saw him, we locked eyes then I know!" choi seunho wiggled his point finger while closing his eyes, "this man is the one! this is my fated mate!"

"what bullshit are you feeding your son with?"

both choi looked up to the kitchen entrance to see a beautiful man tapped his foot furiously while holding plastics bag on both hands. eyes rolled with disbelief as he saw the head of the family sheepishly smiled and jogged to help the fierce man with the plastic bag.

"I told you to stop telling him unnecessary story" the smaller man hissed softly when the man was near.

"eyy, seungcheol was asking it'll be bad if i didn't answer"

the couple was arguing left and right into the kitchen. more like one-sidedly arguing, since his mother was the one who kept spitting fire while his father only defend.

Seungcheol closed his eyes happily when his mother kissed the top of his head lovingly and whisper 'eat a lot, sweetie' before continuing his argument. his little lips smiled widely at the sight. they might be appeared like fighting constantly but he knew how his parents love each other just as much as they love arguing. he knew that in the end, his father would eventually give in, letting his mother take the win.

" he's lucky I love him" he whispered at seungcheol behind his mother's back.


seungcheol still didn't know what pheromone means or look like, or what even heat was. but he understood what his father means when he said his mother smells good. his father had a good nose, his mother always teased him with "are you a dog?" because the man was always able to locate him. and seungcheol inherit that trait perfectly.

Since he's little, he realized that everyone has special scents. some just vague, but some were so strong. His mother smelt like a mix of rose and vanilla, strong but warm. he loved it so much.

Later on when he began his puberty, he learned that the special and strong scent belongs to omega and will increase significantly especially when they're on heat.

normal alpha could only smell it when omega was on their heat, but seungcheol far more sensitive about it, he's able to smell the pheromones since the preheat cycle even from a far distance.

it's his gift.

without the need to ask he could categorize someone as an omega or beta or alpha. his other gift, unlike other alpha, he somehow had high immunity for omega in heat. that even if an omega was on the heat in front of him, he wouldn't lose his mind or succumbed to his instinct. he just couldn't get turned on if he didn't like the pheromone.

he's a choosey, that's what his friend jisoo said. and he couldn't agree more.

ever since he's young, his parents drilled it in his head that being an alpha didn't mean he's the top one. it didn't make omega as the bottom species of the society. omega wasn't born as an object for alpha to released their desire or lust.

being born as an alpha means he had the responsibility to protect the omegas. if you couldn't respect an omega, how are you going to respect your own fated mate?

seungcheol understand that and carved the words wholeheartedly in his mind.

when it's time, when he's finally meeting his fated mate. he wanted to be the perfect alpha that his mate can be proud of.

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