chapter 9

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it is past midnight, he can feel the cold weather hit his bone and he's quivering a little. he tried to pushed his hand inside his hoodie pocket to warm himself even though it was a futile attempt. for a second he swore at his forgetful mind on why he didn't bring heat pack when he left the house tonight.

his eyes shifted at an unconscious body on the bottom of the bridge stairs. phone screen still flashing with a faint voice of someone calling the caller in the air.

useless, the person they seek doesn't seems able to speak right now.

from the corner of his eyes he can see there are still lots of people wandering the area, under the bridge. they will notice the man soon or later.

besides, the man won't die. he can confirm, usually a villain can't die easily anyway, like a zombie. you killed them once, they will revive again soon after. that's what he learn from the hollywood movies that he watched since young.

he inhaled the cold air before taking a step back. there's no guilt playing in his heart funnily, just some relieve and hidden anger that hasn't fully vent out. he makes one last glance before he fixed his cap and continue walking to his destination. brazing the cold wind.

the night still young, and he has lots to do tonight.

his steps are light, and it has its own rhythm from the sound of his shoes hit the aspalt in this quiet night. like a song. he hummed some tune that cross his mind.

he want to dance the night away.

there's a scream from the opposite the road when he reached the bottom of the stairs, corner of his eyes see people start crowding, but he doesn't bother to stop.

he keeps humming.


seungcheol's eyes glaring at 2 people who is busy whispering and giggles on the other side of the cafetaria. they were waiting for the food they ordered. acting cute and cuddling at each other.

he's not used to this. and don't think he can get used to this.

"that." seungcheol point his chopstick at the 2 beautiful man. jun is biting the end of his chopstick as his eyes following where his friend's chopstick directed to.

"since when those 2 become good friends?"
he asked in annoyance.

he's busy with helping their marketing professor to held a seminar for the freshman these past few days, he didn't get to see jeonghan except for few calls and chats. and when he finally has times to meet him, the beautiful blonde was already snatched by his own best friend.

soon to be ex best friend. he's going to disown jisoo today.

"no idea." jun take another take on his ramen, slurping, munching and swallowing it while seungcheol still busy firing laser at jisoo and jeonghan from a far.

"jeonghan suddenly join our english lab class this morning. i was sitting behind them. and let me tell you, they're giggling for the whole lecture."

"giggling." the chinese man emphasize it slowly.

seungcheol take a look at his friend and tch-ed loudly. he can imagine the cuteness already. jeonghan. giggling.

"hong jisoo was giggling i tell you. have you seen a hong jisoo giggle??"

the black haired man shake his head. taking a bite of his pork cutlet.

"so you can imagine the horror." jun make a shaking motion with his whole body. seungcheol was too used to his friend antics by now that he's barely reacting. it's just another normal day of jun.

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