Falling in Love? No Thanks! Part 5

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Matt POV

I sat watching the movie in stiffness, fighting everything inside me not to look at her. Why did she have to be so irresistible. The kiss was like nothing I had ever felt before, it sent tingles and a warm fuzzy feeling all through me, it was excited and I liked to rush of adrenalin.

Suddenly my phone rung, jolting me out of my daydream. "Hello?" I answered

"Matt" Came sniffles of a familiar guys voice.

"Yeh?" I was really confused now.

"Its Andy" Andy was my best friend back where I lived and we had been like that ever since we were 3, practically inseperable. I would practically do anything for him and him for me.

"Whats up mate, you sound upset"

"Something bads happened, something terrible actually" His voice sounded strained.

"Mate what happened" I jolted up on the couch, not sure what to do, the movie was paused and everyone was looking at me.

"My parents, they were, it hap-, I don't know, how"

"Calm down, take a breathe and tell me what happened"

"There was this guy, he was after dad, cause with dads business and all he had to end a few jobs, this guy had a criminal history and hes not all there in the head. When Mum and Dad were coming home, he had organised something"

"Wheres this going?" I could hear sobs from the other side of the phone. He was never like this.

"He killed them, theyre dead" Then came the muffled sound of crying. Mr and Mrs Lather were basically my second parents. I felt time slow down and I was looking straight ahead at the wall, unsure of what was happening, somewhere my mind registered that my phone had fallen from hand and was now and the floor.

"Matt? Matt?" Jaz shook me, "Whats up? Talk to me" She snapped her hands infront of my face.

"Fuck" I mumbled. I looked up at Jaz, tears about to brim over the edge of my eyes. I was holding them in but my chin must have looked wobbly because she threw her arms around me, about to cry herself.

Jaz was friends with Andy's sister Kayla who was a year younger then us so she knew the Lathers pretty well too.

"Its andy, his parents were killed" I struggled to get out. I could hear intakes of breathe all around us and Jaz burst into tears, her friends all rushed forward to comfort her and I wished at that moment I had my friends from back home, a lot of them were girls and they would have been able to help me.

I had been living here for 3 weeks but school only just started today so I had been sussing out all the places to eat, visit, have a drink and just go to in general.

I picked up my phone and redialled Andy's number.

"Ands, how can we help you" I asked, I could here the plead in my voice to let us help him.

"I don't know, but its not safe here for me and Kayls, apparently he wants us dead aswell" I could here the pain in his voice, he cared so much for Kayla that he would put his life infront of hers.

"Come live uphere" I randomly suggested

"I cant just intrude like that"

"Of course you can, youd be more than welcome, there are spare spots at our school and we have so many extra rooms in this house."

"You're the greatest Matt"

Two days later Andy and Kayla arrived. Mum, dad and his grandparents all thought it was a great idea that they came to live with us for a bit because it would get them out of harms way. I picked him up at the airport with my sister, the plane was delayed a few hours so we had to sit down at a coffee shop for a while.

"You want anything?" I asked Jasmine as she stared out the massive windows to the runway.

"Just a coffee thanks" She barely mumbled, not bothering to look at me. I shrugged it off, we had found out horrific news and I couldn't blame her for not being her normal perky self. I walked up to the counter and the person behind it was highly attractive so I thought that since this was a new place I could try out my flirting skills, not like I have anything to lose. I like Tash, a hell of a lot but Jaz is right I probably would end up hurting her and she deserves someone who treats her well.

"May I take your order" The server asked. I looked at her nametag which read Lily.

"Yeah, Can I have an espresso, a coffee and your number?" I asked innocently while smiling the whole time.

"The first two we have but ill have to check with the third one" She winked

I waited for our coffees and took them when they came, disappointed she hadn't placed a number on top.

I placed Jasmines coffee infront of her and she looked at it wearily before holding it in her hands silently.

"Look Jaz, I know its tough, but its harder on Andy and Kayla and we need to be strong with them so at least try to pull through" I pleaded.

"Okay, sorry I just don't know whats going through my head" She paused and smiled "Whats that you cheeky boy?" She asked half heartidly which was a breakthrough from her earlier mood. I turned my cup over and saw the word Lily with numbers scribbled next to it, my gaze focused behind the counter and Lily looked up and gave me a little wave.

"What about you and Tash?" Jasmine asked awkwardly

"What about us?" Was my hesitant reply

"Well you two seemed to really hit it off and it looks as though she likes you and I can see you like her, its stupid to chuck it away"

"Can you not tell anyone this?" I asked looking around. She stuck her pinky out

"Pinky swear"

"When we were getting popcorn before the movie, I kinda, maybe, accidently kissed her" Jaz had a shocked expression on her face and then she kinda laughed.

"You kissed her?"

"Well yeah, I just said that"

"What was it like?" She asked biting her bottom lip with a smile.

"Amazing, you cant tell anyone. I felt full for once and I felt so warm inside and tingles were just basically everywhere" I gushed.

"That is the cutest thing I have ever heard, but why wont you just ask her out"

"Because your right, I would probably just end up hurting her-"

"Matt I didn't mean it like that, i...." She looked at my hand which was up to silence her.

"Let me finish, she deserves someone good, someone who wont hurt her, who she can rely on, who she can enjoy herself with, But I probably wouldn't be that guy, I would hurt her, it wouldn't be intentional but I know I would. After Braydon she needs a special guy. And you should have seen her face after we kissed, she looked disgusted."

"That's really sweet of you Matt, like really really sweet, but to be honest, it sounds like what you've stumbled upon is special and I would let it slip" She stood up from the table and pointed to the crowds of people wondering out the terminal "They must be early"

I put money on the table and followed after her.

"MATT" Someone yelled, I turned to see Andy with his sister and instantly walked over to them. I gave Andy a man hug thing and Kayla a hug. She was looking hot, no matt you cant think of her that way, but she is smoking and id never noticed it before, shutup, I told myself.

Jaz had now joined us and was giving Kayla a hug, stroking her blonde hair and telling her it would be alright.

Andy ran his hand through his shaggy lopsided blonde hair and gave an awkward grin at Jaz, she used to have this mega crush on him and would get speechless being in the same mile radius of him. She hit his arm "Don't worry" She sighed "I am so over you" And then he pulled her into a hug while laughing. "No one can get over me"

"Mr Cockey eh?" We laughed and joked on the way back to the car and I was surprised cause I thought it would be different. Oh well, it was time to introduce Andy to everyone.

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