Chapter 15 - Ambushed

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Thanks for reading and sorry about the slow updates! I've just gone back to school after Summer :( so I don't have as much free time to write! I might not be updating again for a bit, sorry! I'm not giving up on this story though, don't worry!

Legolas climbed from the ditch beside the human. When Aragorn approached him, he shook his head.

"No. You shouldn't have to carry me everywhere. You're injured too. I know, I've seen you tending it when you think I'm asleep or not looking. I'll walk for a bit."

Aragorn was surprised that the elf had noticed his wound. He had honestly thought that Legolas had been asleep all those times. Clearly, he was wrong. Making a quick decision, he replied hesitantly.

"Ok, but if you feel any pain or tiredness at all, you must tell me, alright?"

Legolas just smiled. "It's not like I'm going to snap."

Aragorn smiled ruefully, glad that Legolas was opening up again.

"Alright, alright, I'm sorry!" He joked, then stopped when he saw that those words brought back bad memories for the elf. He kicked himself mentally.

"Sorry Legolas, I didn't mean to..." his voice trailed off. He would have to be more careful with what he said to the elf in future.

"Let's go." Was all the elfling said in return.

It turned out that Legolas couldn't go as far as he would have liked to; only an hour later, he was being carried along again, feeling rather awkward. It wasn't like he was a weight to Aragorn - indeed, the human was worried about how light the elf was; he was hardly there at all! And yet for how skinny the child was, he refused to eat, claiming that if he did, he would be sick. So Aragorn had decided that he would wait until they reached Rivendell, where his father could take care of things.

When Aragorn paused to catch his breath and tend both of their wounds, the sky was dark, so he lit a small fire and set up a camp. To his immense surprise, Legolas was keen on helping him, clearly feeling guilty that he had been unable to help previously. He refused to show the human the pain it caused him and asked cautiously if Aragorn would show him how to build a fire.

Aragorn obliged, and soon they had a large blaze set in the centre of the clearing they were in. Aragorn was impressed at the elf's skill; his nimble fingers had easily built up a small pyramid, much neater than Aragorn's clumsy, but effective, work, and had struck a spark without hesitance.

Really, Aragorn thought proudly, he is doing so well with this.

A muttered curse came from Legolas when his fingers touched the fire. "Ow! I didn't know it was going to bite me!" Aragorn grinned. "It's not biting you Legolas, it's burning you. It's hot."

Legolas' cheeks reddened. "Oh." Then he suddenly seemed to forget his embarrassment and sat, rigid, listening intently. It sounded like... footsteps. But not elven footsteps; these were accompanied by soft clicks and there seemed to be a lot of pairs of feet approaching.

But what was most terrifying was that they were coming from all directions. Legolas and Aragorn were surrounded.

Legolas grabbed the human's arm. "There's s-something out there! We're surrounded and - and it's not elves!" He whispered urgently into Aragorn's ear, hating the way his voice shook.

As Aragorn drew his sword, Legolas silently pulled a dagger from the human's belt. Just in case.

They backed away, pressing against a tree until there was nowhere left to run. Legolas, trapped behind Aragorn in order for the human to protect him, was shaking within silent sobs. Aragorn desperately wished to comfort him, but he too had heard the sounds now, and unlike Legolas, he recognised them. Spiders.

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