Falling (Keadlyn)

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Kile's POV

We were in my room again. It had been a couple of weeks since our awesome photographed kiss yet she still wanted to hang out. Even after she cut it down to the Elite. Even while her mom was sick. She came to spend time with me.

"What?" she asked, her hand grazing my forearm. The light touch jolted me out of my thoughts and unto Eadlyn's eyes. I had never noticed the type of brown they were. Not light, not dark, but perfectly in the middle. They even had hints of blue in them, a homage to the Queen. We were sitting awfully close at my tiny desk, the tips of our knees budding into each other. If I leaned in a little bit more, I could probably catch a wisp of her breath. What the hell is wrong with me, I thought.

"When did I get so sappy?" I contemplated aloud, conscious of her hand still on my wrist. She lifted an eyebrow in confusion, her lips lifted in a grin. "I'm getting all these weird impulses to like...take care of you and stuff."

The Princess fought down a giggle, enrapturing my other wrist. "You're still my boyfriend right?"

"Even though you have five other ones," I muttered jokingly.

"That's correct," she agreed. "Feeling those feelings make sense then." She let go of my wrists and quietly began sketching on some of my craft paper. For a moment, she forgot I was there. Just like she used to. But in seconds, her attention was back on me. All of it, on me.

I couldn't help it. I swooped in quickly, capturing her lips with my own. They were so soft, so elegant. Yet I was an ugly beast.

She pulled away, eyebrows cinched together. "How dare you kiss the Princess of Illea without asking?"

"Well, can I?"

"Of course."

Our lips met again, gently colliding. I couldn't say it with words so hopefully I could say it with this. I'm falling in love with you, Eadlyn. I'm falling in love with you so hard.

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