Worth It (Maxerica)

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The twins had us beat. If one was crying, the other was running with a towel on their head. Mary was helping us the best she could but it was still so exhausting. Running a country and having babies. Whose bright idea was that?

We were pressed against each other's backs, sitting on our bed. His short curls tickled my ears and I could feel the tautness of his suit jacket on my elbow. He had had three board meetings today, I two. I tilted my head, my cheek nearly rubbing his.

"How are we going to do this?" I whispered. In my peripheral I could see his handsome features scrunched in thought. He repositioned us so that we were both lying on the pillows, his arms wrapped tightly around me, his chin massaging my temple.

"It's you and me, dear. We can do anything." He planted a kiss on my forehead as I sighed dramatically.

"How can you be so sure?" I whined, burrowing myself in his arms even further. "Ahren's got a cold and Eadlyn-"

"-is already bossing us around?" he joked. I hit him playfully which he took to mean a full-on tickle war.

Before I knew it, our mattresses and us were sprawled unto the floor, faces inches apart.

"I got you now, America," he said, his energetic eyes bouncing. He was holding himself up above me with his palms on either side of me. Underneath his childlike eyes were grown up bags and at the roots of his hair, grays. His once muscled body was now adorably saggy. My Royal Husbandness was getting old. But in the best way.

We slowly inched towards each other, prolonging our meeting to further draw out the eager anticipation. Until we hear the creak of the doors. Our heads quickly dart to find our children.

"Pillow fight!" Eadlyn yells. They climb on top of us and we play wrestle for awhile. Eventually Maxon falls asleep, and soon the twins do the same. He holds them tightly to his chest as they all snore.

This makes it all worth it. I turn off the lamp and allow the moonlight to bathe my beautiful family. This makes it all worth it.

**Maxerica!! What do you think?**

**Any suggestions? Who should I one shot next?**

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