Calm (Marlee & Carter)

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I was so excited. And terrified. Prince Maxon had just given a glorious toast to his future wife, and there I was. He thought I could possibly be that woman. But I didn't want to be, I couldn't be that woman. I had a date with the most lovely man at 12.

Merely hours before I had been swinging in his arms, the festivities of the Halloween ball floating around us. He moved with ease and that giant lopsided smile glided along with him.

That's when I knew for sure.

Carter's hands, one holding tightly to my own, the other edging lower and lower on my waist. My cheeks were burning simply from his touch. With each minute the song prolonged, the closer and closer we got. He was telling me the most amazing story about his mother.

"And that is how she ended up with a whole bunch of scars and met my father," he ended, his eyes practically glowing. He pressed me closer to him until his lips were nearly at my ear. "Did I already tell you how beautiful you look tonight?"

I laughed, nodding. "Yeah, a couple of times." I leaned forward and looked up at him. "And you're the most handsome man in the room."

He coughed to hide his blush, releasing me as the song came to an end. He shook his head, his vicarious energy returning to him as he whispered to me quickly "Meet me at midnight underneath the trees."

"Our spot."

"Our spot," he affirmed, winking before heading off to dance with someone else. Midnight. I don't know if I can wait that long, I thought with a smile, my feet shuffling in anticipation.

Midnight had come. I was still in my angel costume, fanning out the wings of it as I sat on the grass. It tickled my thighs as I shifted slightly. I heard him before I saw him. He clumsily tripped, collapsing quickly to the ground. I gasped and ran to his side. He turned so that he was laying upright, chuckling jollily.

"Are you okay?" I asked, concerned.

"Yeah, I'm okay," he replied.

I laid on the ground with him as we started gazing up at the stars. There weren't as many as there were in Allens but they were still there. Faint yet powerful. I turned my head to view Carter. His eyes were nearly closed and his soft brown hair intermixed with the ground. His left hand unconsciously began to trace my body, first my face then lower and lower and lower. The rest of him remained unmoving yet his hand further stirred the inferno we had built over the last couple of months.

That's when I knew for sure. But how could I say it? His hand soothingly rubbed the ridge of my eyebrow and I caught it, bringing it to my lips. I wanted him to feel it when he said, no matter how silly that sounded.

"I love you, Carter Woodwork," I spoke softly.

I stopped breathing for a second, focusing on his reaction. Mouth open, eyes wide. After a couple of moments, he sighed before breaking into the widest grin.

"Thank God you said it! I didn't think I could keep it in any longer!" he gushed, his liveliness reaching its peak. He grabbed me easily, running with me in his arms. I giggled as we traversed the hills of the Palace's edge.

"Marlee, you don't know how happy that makes me. I love you, Marlee Tames. I love you so much!" He had finally stopped running and was holding me close to his chest, bridal style.

"Carter, Carter, Carter," I muttered, simply delighting in the sight of him.

"Marlee, Marlee, Marlee" he breathed in return.

We finally kissed and just when I was thinking we would never stop, the bright light of a guard fell upon us.

That's when I knew for sure.

Our little world was falling apart.

**Thank you @Daugular01 for the idea! Hope you like it!"

**Also am I the only one who found it disturbing that their ship name sounds like martyr?**

**What'd you think and who should I do next?**

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