Hero (Aspen & Lucy)

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Lucy's POV

They were back. I didn't want them to be but they were. Where is Aspen? I wondered as my tiny hands shook with ferocity. I was lying on our bed since I was incapable of much else at the moment. The tremors took hold of my whole as thoughts of him flooded my mind.

My father had died this weekend. The durable stable hand, my loving and kind father had finally breathed his last breath. My hero, the one who was with me through everything, was no more. The place where I used to feel his spirit, even when he was not around, rung empty. Empty.

I haven't had the energy to cry. My mind was in paralysis, leaving my physical form to its own. A terrible vibration ripped through it when, thankfully, I heard footsteps.

Sturdy and loud, I could recognize them anywhere. Aspen. Aspen! I called out his name. He burst through the door, quickly coming to my side.

"Lucy," he stated, holding me the best he could. He pressed us against the headboard, attempting to ease the shakes. One glance at his face revealed red rimmed eyes.

"Aspen, are you okay?" I squeaked, my body still shaking.

He forcefully smiled, those brilliant green gems falling upon me. "Are you really worried about me right now?" The guard shook his head ruefully as he swiftly pulled the sheet out from under us and wrapped it tightly around my shoulders.

"What can help you right now, Lucy?" He asked, the purest intent shining on his face. His level of concern for a maid never ceased to amaze me. I got to wake up beside him everyday. I was so lucky.

What could get me to stop shaking? Think, Lucy, think, I ordered. An idiotic idea swarmed in that instantly made me blush. He quickly pecked my lips before pulling away, grinning.

The fact that he could read me so easily made me blush even more.

"Look at that," Aspen started, his smile sparkling. "My kisses stop your tremors."

He held me even tighter. "You know what that means, right? I have an excuse to be around you all the time now."

He pressed his lips to my cheeks, lingering on each for a couple of moments. 

"Do you miss him?" I asked, my head embedded on his large shoulder.

"Of course. Remember that time he came to dinner and ate all of our pasta? And my stomach growling kept you up all night?"

"Remember when he took our photo? His hand kept showing up in the picture! I tried to teach him so many times!"

Our edged laughter finally broke me, the tears pouring down. The tremors faded away and soon, so did the darkness.

Just like that a new hero had emerged. My husband Aspen Leger. He had been there all along.

**After reading The Guard, I was excited about Aspen and Lucy's relationship. I think we're supposed to assume that stable hand that Aspen takes to is Lucy's Dad and I thought it'd be great for him to have a new father figure**

**Thank you so much for reading!!!**

**Any suggestions for more one shots?**

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