Logic (Hale & Ean)

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Ean's POV

I could not swallow the guilt. No matter how hard I tried to shove it down my throat, erase it in my notebook, attempt to release it breezily in a whistle.

I had given him struggle. A pain that most don't understand. A lack of acceptance for simply one feature of your personality, barely an inkling in the messy portrait. But the pen ran deep.

They were kicking us out of our apartment since we were engaged. According to the inane Illea law, that was allowed. Eadlyn and Eikko were doing their best with reforms. But there were subtleties to the text that would take at least a century to rule out. 

He could have possibly been King but was instead homeless. All because of me.

I ascended the stairs to our disappearing apartment, the weight of it all bearing down on me. Each step was a struggle, as I also fought down the urge to give that horrible landlord a piece of my mind.

I opened the door and could feel a smile penetrate my face. He had already packed everything and was sweeping the wooden panels dutifully.

My fiance, Hale. He was the reason I did things. Things I wouldn't do otherwise. Like communicating my beliefs, and, well, talking to people. He pushed me, challenged me to ask for more, to do more, to live more.

Hale had adorably wrapped a sweater around his waist and was wearing these patterned pants that brought out the simplicity of his shirt. I liked to think I added some minimalism to his fashion taste.

"Hi," he said warmly, finally looking up from his broom.

"Hi," I repeated. I closed the door behind me and sat on one of the sturdier boxes. We had disassembled the couch last night, which I was now beginning to regret.

"The moving truck is coming at 9 and I figured we could go out for dinner before."

For the third time that day, the corners of my lips tilted. "Would it be alright if we made another stop?"

"Sure, where?" His eyebrows grew handsomely high, his gorgeous pupils on display. 

"It's a surprise," I replied deftly with a wink. He blushed, which I was always shocked by. We had been dating for two years, precisely four months engaged. Then I felt the heat in my own cheeks, rendering my debate useless.

We got to the car and I held his hand tightly as I drove. We talked about our days and his ridiculous coworker Janine. I stole kisses at the stoplights, a growing habit of mine since he had asked me to wear his ring. I stopped the car and told him to wait for me to open his door.

I escorted him into the building blindfolding him with my hands, guiding him with the fronts of my thighs.

"This better not be your way of getting me to go back to your mom's house," Hale joked, his impatience causing him to take two steps at a time. I bit down a grin as we finally got to the room.

I pulled away slowly. And his reaction was worth every single penny.

I had bought him his own studio. Cliche, I know. But he had been running his clothes store in our home and working as a tailor for a company at night. I have seen each and everyone of his designs and I, unbiasedly, thought they were the most beautiful things in the world. His capabilities were frequently the subject of my poems, short stories, et cetera.

His hands were roaming the new sewing machine, the cloths. Even the glass of the windows.

"The best view in the city," I stated smugly, wrapping a hand around his waist.

The sun was setting, it's wondrous hues painting the city orange. The other buildings looked up in admiration of him. Well, they did in my mind.

I looked down at him, shifting both of my hands to his stomach to envelop him in my arms. His lips were agape. The beginnings of tears formulated that I softly wiped away.

"Do you like it?" Had his hate for it had caused him to cry?

"No," he whispered, twisting so that we were face to face. "No, I love it! I love it so much."

"I love you, Ean," he added, a husky tone entering his voice.

He leaned in, his lips meeting mine, successfully taking my breath away. His hands slipped into my hair, ignoring the formalities of my curls. I held him tighter as his tongue delved into my mouth, telling me everything I needed to know.

Apartment or no apartment, studio or no studio, Hale Garner loved me. Scientifically speaking, there was nothing that could ever outweigh that

**I really enjoyed writing them, they are so cute. Writing in Ean's POV was fun too.**
**My current line up:
Eikko and Eadlyn
Josie and Kaden
Ahren and Camille
Henri's POV after their kiss (swedish translation)
Another Maxerica
Another Aspen & Lucy (due to)**

**Thank you so much for reading!! Your comments mean the world to me!! Have a great day**

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