Kerttu (Eadlyn & Erik/Eikko)

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Eadlyn's POV

The most tiring thing I had done in all my life, without a doubt, was learning how to play guitar. Well, trying to learn how to play guitar. The piano was the extent of my musical birthright, the parallel strings complexing my fingers for days. Chords just didn't make sense to me in that format and I had given it up with a slam and an unsatisfying scream.

I had just had my baby, Kerttu de Koskinen Schreave. She was the cutest baby ever, I was sure of it. But that whole process made my guitar attempts seem quite simple.

I was in our home hospital, eyes barely hanging open as I stared at the wonder in front of me. Kerttu. She was tightly wound in warm cloth, as was I. My body had gotten very cold.

"But we're warming each other up," I whispered, playing with her tiny finger. She was fast asleep, her perfect chubby cheeks gently moving up and down with every exhale.

Eikko was calling his parents. I could hear muffled Finnish exclamations, his shadow passing back and forth of the opaque glass.

I pressed the baby closer to my chest as a whimper fell from her lips. Her father opened the door, his soft eyes illuminating with pride and unadulterated joy.

"Still asleep?" he asked quietly, joining me on the hospital bed. It probably looked tight but it didn't feel that way.

"Yeah, she's had a busy day," I joked lightly, giving her over to him. His arm shifted from embracing my back. The image of a tired Eikko supporting Kerttu's head for the first time was one I'd never forget.

"Am I doing this right?"

"I was going to ask you the same thing earlier. We should have read more books."

He breathed a chuckle, beaming. "We'll figure it out."

He pecked my lips and pulled me even closer so he could whisper "Thank you."

"For what?"

"For making me...happier than I ever thought I could be. Thank you for her. Thank you for you."

My eyes welled and I closed them to prevent from raining on the baby.

"Thank you." Oddly, it was still hard for me to express to my husband how much I loved him. How everyday waking up beside him filled me with unexplainable glee. But I had a daughter now. I had to set for her the amazing example that was set for me.

The tears fell as I looked back at my glorious Eikko. "Thank you for being my rock. As well as my storm."

His brows furrowed and before they could get any deeper, I continued.

"You hit me out of nowhere and stole my heart. Very fast and so unexpected. You bring me back to earth yet you make me feel as if I'm flying, so high, that I can't see anyone else anymore. Just you."

A single tear ran down his face, mouth barely opened, hair loose, bags under his agonizingly beautiful eyes that held my very soul. We spent the rest of the night like that. Studying each other and finding those parts in her.

**How did I get this far without doing these two? Hopefully I did them justice, Eadlyn is kind of hard to write**

**Shameless plug: I wrote two Wattpad books about Kerttu's Selection. Check out my profile if interested!**

**Thank you so much for reading this! Means the world to me! Who should I do next?**

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