Young (Asperica)

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America's POV

It was Aspen's birthday. It was the first one since we had become boyfriend and girlfriend. I was Aspen Leger's girlfriend. Aspen's girlfriend, I thought with a smile, as I washed the food crumbs off of our dishes from yesterday.

"What are you so happy about?" Mom asked frankly, drying the dishes I handed her with a towel.

"Nothing," I replied singsongedly. She rolled her eyes before placing the clean plates in the wooden cabinet above us. It creaked as she did, the old gears rusted and worn down. Dad was saving money to buy some oil for all the doors to make our lives a little less screechy.

"The Legers are having a birthday party for Aspen today. Do you want to come with me and May?"

"I wouldn't miss it."

The parents were chatting in the kitchen while the teens and kids hung out in the cozy living room. He hadn't talked to me yet, instead, chatting it up with everyone else in the room. His handsome green eyes brought every girl to blush and every guy to be on edge. I laughed at how unobservant he was to it all.

"What's so funny?" His low voice was suddenly in my ear, his hands quickly cinching and releasing my waist. My heart began to hammer as I inhaled his delightful scent. Handmade soap. To me, there was nothing in the world better than the smell.

"Happy birthday, Aspen!" May shouted, standing on her tippy toes excitedly.

"Open our gift, open our gift!" She urged, tugging on the edge of his shirt.

"I left it outside actually. I'll go get it," I said.

He smiled, clearly proud of my little ploy. "I'll come with you."

The butterflies in my stomach further flurried as we left the party together.

He had barely even closed the front door when his lips met mine, devouring them swiftly.

We broke apart purely for him to mutter "Thank you so much for coming, Mer" then we resumed our passionate kisses outside his mother's house.

They slowed down, him beginning to focus on other parts of me. The tip of my nose, the nape of my neck, the bottom of my chin, the edge of my ear.

Aspen found my lips again, softly biting the bottom of the two. I shivered in his arms and he somehow brought me even closer to him. All his kisses reflected him. He gave everything his all, from his family to his work and, somehow, to me. I was so grateful.

He was starting to unbutton the top of my blouse when we heard a loud crash from inside. Thank God, I thought. Who knows how far we would have gone? He groaned, his emerald eyes meeting mine.

"All these interruptions only make me want you more, Mer," he breathed, smoothing down my hair with his rough palm.

"That's why, one day, I'm going to marry you. And you're finally going to see how much I really want you." His usual grin was replaced with a simple line, his determination showing.

I blushed even further, avoiding his gaze. Aspen wanted to marry me? Even though it was his birthday, he had just given me the greatest present of all.

Classic Aspen.

**What'd you think?**

**Who should I write next?**


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