Pocketful (Ahren & Camille)

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Ahren's POV

This was bliss. Then why did my throat feel so tight? Camille's gorgeous simpers as we walked around her castle only made it worse. How could I be happy right now?

Mom was sick, unconscious. It was the first time I'd ever been this far from my family or just Eadlyn. I mean, sometimes they annoyed me but I never thought we'd be an ocean apart. And being there had never been so scary.

Was she breathing? Was it because of me? Of course it was.

"-right, love?" Camille asked, her hand gently squeezing mine, yanking me back to reality. The French breeze ran through her slight frame and into my pocket so I could keep the precious way her lips pursed while she talked, the way her eyes closed when she laughed, the way the tips of her fingers tickled mine. My pocket would be full in a couple of moments.

"I'm sorry, can you repeat that, sorry?"

"You're going to go back, right? Since she's sick?"

I sighed, the sound sinking to my toes. "I don't know if that would help."

We sat under a tree where she acted as my big spoon, cradling me in her arms. We alternated whenever we saw each other to keep it fresh. Her skin warmed mine, it having more effect than the sun.

"We should be on our honeymoon," I sulked, us watching the guards circulate shifts instead of beautiful sand beaches.

"Please. I got you for the whole day, almost no interruptions. This is very much my ideal honeymoon." I felt a kiss dote my forehead, her smooth lips easing the migraine that was beginning to harbor there. I wondered how she knew.

"My ideal honeymoon had a slightly different activity involved. This as well but you know!"

She laughed, playing with my hair. "Trust me, I was thinking the same." She massaged my scalp, her hands moving in slow circular motions. Next, her lips moved to my neck, biting and kissing.

"I love you, Camille." I twisted so I could devour her lips, crushing them against mine. It quickly grew passionate, our tongues interchanging as we shifted on the grass.

"I love you, mi amor."

"I'm not going back to Illea. It might make her condition worse and Eadlyn will be so angry. Plus," I shifted so that I was on top of her, taking in her red cheeks, "it's incredibly selfish but right now, at least for today, I just want to be with you."

The fading sun illuminated her left cheek, the spot above her temple, her smile. "Then let's be selfish."

**I hope I did them justice. I might do another one with their first real fight since this one was so short.**
**Which couple are you feeling next?**

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