Royalty (Kaden & Josie)

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Josie's POV

I had always wanted to be the princess who wore the prettiest tiara and had the best hair. The one everyone loved and admired. The One who everyone wanted.

But, instead, I was captured in the tall elegant shadow of Eadlyn Schreave. She was the princess. She was the one everyone wanted.

Even my own brother.

Kile sent me letters all the time, griping about her, not once asking how I was doing or even telling me what was up with him. These broods of jealousy were steadily leaving me but there would always be a part of me that despised her. Simply because I wished I was her.

You are one sad human being, I thought, as I filled out her paperwork. I was the Queen's assistant. I got her coffee, black, and fanned out her fancy dresses. I liked working for her honestly. She was fair and kind, everything you'd want in a boss. Plus, the kingdom was thriving so I was glad I had something to do with it. Even if it was only warming up some beans.

A shift in the corner of the room caught my eye. My head shot up, stray hairs flitting.

"Prince Kaden, do you have some royal business to do here?" I asked with a smile. Eadlyn had expanded her office for family members so the room was like half of the third floor now. She said their input on Illea helped and eased her nerves. And on weekends, she let representatives hold meetings here. Loud shouts could be heard on any day of the week. A world in progression puts everyone on edge.

He had a tiny smile on his face, running his hand through his brown locks. "You weren't supposed to see me! I was going to surprise you." He wore the stiffest suit yet he couldn't stop his feet from shuffling while he talked. Random things like that made me happy.

I leaned back in my chair, arms crossed. "Kaden, you're terrible at surprises. You know that, right?"

He slowly inched towards me, whether on purpose or on accident, I couldn't tell. But I did want him closer. So I gathered myself up, careful not to slip on the gauzy trail of my dress. Arms still wrapped, I moved until we were only a meter apart.

"Who told you that? Did Osten tell you that?" His eyes indicated that he was incredibly serious, which only made it funnier. Laughter flew out of my mouth

"No, I was the one who told him!"

"You're just messing with me. You're messing with me," he muttered into his chest. But I could still see a glint of a smile hidden beneath his perfect hair. It really was perfect.

"Yes, I am," I replied simply. Yet that's when he looked back up and I was looking back at him and the whole atmosphere became charged. Filled with this energy that was just pushing us together. I wasn't fighting it, that was for dang sure. But I was technically still working.

"Eadlyn won't be back until 8. She's on a press tour with Eikko," I stated, focusing back on my forms, returning to my seat. I made an effort to not smear the quality ink, my left handedness a culprit of all of Eadlyn's messy documents.

I was almost finished when the pen flew from my wrist. It was now clutched in Kaden's hand, the bottom of it rubbing his suit.

"Your clothes-" I interjected, pointing.

"I don't care." He put the pen down quickly though. His face began to fill with color, giving him a very rosy complexion. "I don't care when Eadlyn comes!"

The volume of his words shocked me, causing me to raise my eyebrows.

"I mean," he said, bringing his voice down, "I only care about you. I mean, right now, I mean, will you go out on a date with me?"

Kaden was asking me out on a date. My mouth ajar, I forced myself to really think why I wanted to say yes so badly. It wasn't because of my relationship with Eadlyn, was it? Then I gazed up at him. Eyes wide, lips pursed, a slightly inked suit jacket. The way he buttoned his dress shirts all the way to the top. Because that was the kind of person he was. He demanded the absolute best from everything he did to everyone he met.

That's why I liked him. Not because he was literally a prince. But because, maybe, he could make me act like a princess. Nothing involving silly tiaras, but the mindset of effort, hard work, and grit with an equal compassion for others. That kind of princess.

So the word "Yes!" tumbled eagerly from my lips.

**I know this is a bit of a weird one but I loved the Kaden fanfiction I read online and made me really like the character**

**How do you feel about Josie? Kaden? The two of them together?**

**THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING! You guys comments make me extremely happy! Which couple or just selection story would you like me to tell next?**

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