Beige (Amberley & Clarkson)

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Amberley’s POV

The girls were flooding the halls, each with their own promise and energy. They were so liberal with their words, with their actions. Especially the one with the red hair. It was only the first week and I was struggling to remember their names. I would have to ask Maxon to teach me later, I thought, sitting in the Women's Room, surveying them behind my warm cup of tea.

Which one would he like? Probably a Four, somebody whose quality of life he could improve. Hold strongly in his arms. Tell them it was all going to be alright.

Not suited for my son. For my husband. What a sad life I was living, constantly thinking every other woman was a threat. Because he thought I didn't know, but I did.

Clarkson was stepping out on me. I didn't know for how long but he was. He was my everything, always had been. But what do you when your everything becomes interested in everything but you. 

My sister was coming over next week so I should have been preparing for that, but instead I was worrying about my own problems. With that thought, I gracefully excused myself before joining Silvia in my workroom.

She was laying out collages and palettes on the long wooden tables, the sturdy sheets of paper adding to the aesthetic. I was smiling at the beige pattern when I heard a soft patter on the table. My eyes jumped, revealing Clarkson.

He only got more handsome with age. His hesitant smiles and boyish hair still were magnets that drew me closer to him everyday. The King was wearing one of my favorite suits of his, a grey one with a tie that complemented his skin tone. He always managed to take my breath away. The most powerful man in the world had married me. There were few things that made a woman feel quite as wonderful as that. Except for having that power for their own.

"Hello, Clarkson. What do you need?" I asked. He swiftly moved to my side of the table. He never walked, he practically ran, even now.

"Do I need a reason to see my wife?" he postulated.

We began to browse the colors together, moving side by side. His proximity gave me butterflies. "No, I guess not," I responded, my well decorated nails falling on the beige yet again.

"Do you like that one?" He peered over me thoughtfully, his gorgeous eyes squinting.

"I don't know. Something is just drawing me to it." I played with it in my hands, imagining a whole party with this decor. 

He clapped his hands loudly to gain Silvia's attention. "We'd like the beige."

"Good choice," she squeaked, quickly leaving the room with the palette.

We smiled in her wake, turning towards each other.

"You're the only thing that makes her nervous."

"Good. I like keeping my employees on their toes."

"Your wife too."

His gaze snapped on me, going from calm to alert. He held me at arm's length, eyebrows incredibly angled. "What do you mean by that? Did Maxon say something out of turn?"

"Maxon, gosh no." I tore away from his look, focusing on the corner of the room.

I could never tell him I knew. I had been given the best husband and, miraculously, a child. Not only that, but the most kind, gentle child a parent could ask for. We were in a bubble, made of luck and circumstance. It would be best if I didn't pop it. So instead, I settled for the more general answer.

"Being married to you is hard sometimes, Clarkson. Harder than you know."

I fought down tears as he configured ways to make it easier. More vacations, less work, even less public appearances. But I shook my head at each one.

He ended up holding me close, his strong muscles holding me together. He grasped the side of my head as he laid loving kisses from my ear to the corner of my mouth.

"I will make sure you never feel this again."

And we stayed that way for quite awhile.

**I used to love reading The Queen. It really helped me figure out why anyone would want to be married to Clarkson**
**After we learned about Lady Brice, I always felt like Amberley would know somehow, even if she didn't say it aloud. That's what I tried to portray here and I'm sorry if it is confusing at times. I'm trying harder to make it each character sound unique and have their own vibe**
**THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING!! And who should I do next (Camille and Ahren will be coming and maybe some Eadlyn and Eikko)?**

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