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"GAEUL DO YOU MIND summarizing the whole novel and tell the whole class what it is about?" miss kang's voice echoed the whole class. realizing her name was being called, gaeul frantically closed her notebook and stood at her place.

"i- miss can you please repeat the question again?" there was no point in repeating the question anyways. she wasn't even halfway done with reading the literature text novel.

miss kang pushed her glasses up from the bridge of her nose. "i said, can you summarize the whole novel?"

gaeul looked to her side for help but everyone had their eyes on their books, not even daring to look up to face miss kang. she sighed knowing that her mom is probably going to get called again.

"um the novel is about- it's about a-" she stuttered, not knowing how to start her sentence. "now be honest with me han gaeul. did you finish reading the whole novel?"

"i- actually," before she spat out another lie, she figured out not to proceed with her lie. it'd probably bring her more trouble. she inhaled before shaking her head. "no, miss kang."

"very well. i hate to nag especially when it comes to seniors but you, han gaeul, left me with no choice! you're graduating in a few months, yet you're playing around as if you have a long way ahead before your finals! do you have any idea of how embarrassed your parents would be?

knowing that they sent their daughter to one of the best schools in town just to find out their daughter is not working hard enough to graduate. i don't even want to nag at you anymore. detention room now!" she hit the long ruler on the table, causing some people who have been trying to steal short naps between lessons to be wakened up.

gaeul picked her books and walked out of her class, eyes fixed on the floor. she couldn't care less about her studies but every time she thinks of her mom, she couldn't help but try not to disappoint her.

she would've probably been a genius after einstein if the letters and numbers she saw weren't floating off the pages every time she tried to read them.

she walked passed the janitor's room and she swore she heard someone calling her name from inside the room.

impossible, she thought. "can't be the janitor. can it?" she mumbled before pushing the door. to her surprise, the room wasn't as dark as she expected it to be. gaeul peeked inside to see if there's anyone inside but there's none.

she was about to leave when she heard her name being called again. gaeul started to get goosebumps. "who could it be?" she muttered, walking deeper inside the room. she never knew the janitor room was this big.

"is anyone there?" again, no one replied but the voice appeared again. this time, they weren't calling her name.

"find me,"

"who's there?" gaeul's voice was shaking and so was her whole body but her mind was telling her to do the opposite. so she walked deeper into the janitor as if something was drawing her closer to the voice.

she found a door. her mind went blank, deciding whether she should open the door or not. there could be two possibilities. the door could lead her to another room or it's just another exit.

she put her hand on the knob and silently prayed. "lord whatever happens next please save me," she muttered before pulling the doorknob.

her guess was right. it was another room. "what is this janitor closet? a secret passageway or something?" she wondered.

"find me," the odd voice had said again.

"jesus fucking christ give me a minute it's so dark in here, i'm fucking blind," she said in frustration before realizing that she actually interacted with that voice. gaeul can't tell if she's actually hallucinating or not.

when she could adjust her eyes to the amount of darkness, she found a strange white-yellowish light at the corner of the room. the room was full of boxes and old desks and chairs.

she walked towards the light as if she was possessed. when she's nearing the light, she stopped before taking a look inside the box. there was a lot of old stuff in it but only one was shining.

being the curious girl she was, she took the thing out and examined it. "a lamp." she muttered. "are you fucking kidding me? a fucking lamp? what? is this some aladdin shit?"

gaeul stared at the object she was holding. she had so many questions in her head and she wanted answers. "might as well pretend to be aladdin and rub this lamp so a genie could appear magically and end my misery."

she inhaled before rubbing the lamp and to her disappointment, nothing happened. "gaeul you fucking loser. do you think this is some fanfiction shit?" she muttered to herself.

she put the lamp on the desk and strutted away from it. she's already late for detention. just when she was about to close the door, the sound of an object falling down from height made her stopped in her tracks.

she turned around just to see the lamp was on the floor. gaeul was about to approach the object when the dust started flying around like crazy. she clearly remembered closing the front door so how was it suddenly so windy?

gaeul couldn't see anything but she could sense someone else's presence in the room. she rubbed her eyes and all she could see was a pastel blue smoke.

she was starting to think that she was hallucinating. or maybe she was not. perhaps someone was pulling a prank on her. she stared at the blue smoke and suddenly it was gone and replaced by a figure.

a boy. probably around her age.

"um who are you?" she cleared her throat before asking the boy who was standing in front of her. her voice came out smaller than before. the boy wasn't even wearing their school's uniform so he's most probably not from her school.

the boy looked puzzled a bit but his lips pursed into a big grin. "i'm kim yohan, your genie. i'm ready at your service anytime my lady." he uttered before bowing, leaving gaeul with no words.

good day everyone
i gave up with editing soulmates
so here i am hehehe
also! happy dongpyo day uwu

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