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JUST WHEN yohan was about to close his eyes, he heard noise of something falling from gaeul's room. he quickly rushed to see if she's okay or not just to find that she had accidentally dropped a book.

"leave." she said.

"no. we need to talk." yohan finalised his decision. "there's nothing else to talk about."she said but this time sternly. yohan knew he wasn't going to give up just like that.

he sat at the edge of her bed and held her hand, in which she pulled it back immediately. "say whatever you want to say now." gaeul mumbled.

"what did i do han gaeul? tell me." this time she faced yohan. "what have you done? you're asking me? ask that to yourself!" she shouted back, tears starting to well up in her eyes and before she knew it, they were already streaming down her cheeks.

yohan was silent. he might have an idea of what he'd done but he decided not to say anything about it. "huh? you knew this would happen! yet you never warned me!" she continued, hitting his chest. yohan could handle the pain but not the pain of her heart shattering into pieces.

he hesitated but pulled her closer and she didn't take a second to bury her face in his chest. comfort was all she needed at the moment. she just wouldn't stop sobbing and yohan knew this was all his fault.

"i'm so sorry." he mumbled, placing a kiss on the top of her head. he engulfed her in a hug and let the threatening tears to fall down his cheeks. "please don't leave. i love you a lot." she sobbed out.

yohan felt helpless. a girl was begging him not to leave but all he could do was keep on saying sorry. he could never say those words back to her. he couldn't. he didn't know what kind of punishment was waiting for him as soon as he returns into the magic lamp for catching feelings for a mortal girl.

gaeul probably got tired from crying she fell asleep in his embrace. "i'm sorry." he pressed a kiss on her forehead and slowly laid her down on the bed before leaving her but she had her pinky finger wrapped around his. he sighed before unwrapping them slowly, pulling the blanket over her body.

he disappeared into thin air again and found himself at a park. the once salmon pink sky was turning into a jet black one, engulfing the whole town. he rested his head on the bench and let out a sigh once again. he really didn't want to do this.

he hated seeing her cry. it breaks his heart everytime she cries. he buried his face in his hands and cried silently. he couldn't let gaeul see him in this state. "i love you a lot too." he mumbled slowly.

"yohan?" he looked up to see a familiar face. lee hangyul. "oh what are you doing here?" he asked, pretending that he never cried. "were you crying?" hangyul asked back instead of answering his question. yohan sighed again. he didn't reply anything.

hangyul sat beside him and held his shoulder. "is this about gaeul? did you guys fight? do you like her- i mean i'm sorry i shouldn't have assumed anything."

"is it because of relationship problems? wait you don't have to tell me actually. i hope whatever problem you're going through right now will be solved later on. i guess you don't really like my company so i'll go now. see you around." yohan's eyes widened at the statement.

hangyul didn't know that gaeul used to had a crush on him. but he does hate hangyul being around gaeul. "no no it's fine. i never said that." he chuckled a bit, wiping his face with the sleeves of his shirt.

"i'd really love to stay and talk with you but someone's waiting for me so i really have to go. see you around yeah?" he said, getting up from the bench leaving yohan with no time to say anything.

he started walking home, gaeul's home. he stopped by the convenience store and bought some snacks for them. they're supposed to binge watch some movies after exams ended.

he also bought chinese takeaway for dinner. when he got home, he heard the shower running down which meant gaeul was awake. he let out a relieved sigh and started to heat the food.

by the time he was done, gaeul came out with a towel on her head. she sat at the dining table and waited for him to join her. gaeul knew staying mad at him forever just won't do it.

yohan put her food and his on the table before going into the room to wash his face and change into a new shirt. he joined gaeul at the dining table later and they both started eating quietly before yohan broke the silence.

"are we still going to binge watch movies later?" he asked. gaeul stared at him as if he'd offended her. "obviously." yohan smiled in relieved when the her old self was back.

they sat on the couch after eating, gaeul leaning on yohan's shoulder and yohan playing with her hair. yohan figured out it'd be best if gaeul chose the movies herself. "ride your wave?" yohan asked when gaeul had picked an anime movie for them to watch.

"yeah junho said it's good but sad. i'm in the mood for some emotional movies anyway." she reasoned out. yohan didn't want to say anything else. he sort of knew gaeul just wanted to find a reason to cry.

yohan ended up having tears in his eyes when the sad parts came on. "weakass bitch." gaeul mumbled, sniffling. "shut up! you used my shirt to wipe your tears." yohan defended himself.

instead of replying to him, she hugged him and yohan let her before pulling her closer to him. they dozed off on the couch like that.

the both of them comforting one another in each other's embrace.

so i was thinking of
a witch/wizard au...

hehe my results r out n
im not truly satisfied with it
but im kinda proud of myself
pulling through aha n im gonna
try to apply for some good uni ig...

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