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AFTER THAT SHORT MEETING with lee hangyul, gaeul seemed to be zoning out and yohan being the observer he was noticed that.

they were walking back to class together and she just wouldn't pay attention to anything and at one point, yohan had to pull her back from walking into a pole.

"geez girl what's with you? you seemed to be spacing out." he said, holding her shoulders so she's facing him. "ever since you met that hangyul guy. who is he? do you know him?"

"for fuck's sake kim yohan, slow down." she replied, not meeting his eyes. "okay first of all hangyul was my childhood best friend. and i um i used to like him." she admitted.

"a lot?" he finished the sentence for her. "stop reading my mind!" she pushed him away and continued to walk.

"i swear to god i wasn't okay? i was just guessing." he raised his arms in defense. she ignored him and walked into the class.

her mind wandered off to hangyul as she sat down at her place and lied her head on the table. drifting away from reality, she spaced out again.

[ "han gaeul, it's been a while."

"lee hangyul. what are you doing here?"

"oh i just moved here! gaeul you have no idea how much i've missed you." he smiled again, making gaeul's internal organs screaming. oh, how she had missed his smile so much.

"really? that's nice," she said, smiling warmly at him. hangyul was the only one who was willing to teach her how to read patiently even though it was hard.

"i've got things to do before class starts. see you later yeah?" ]

"han gaeul!" upon being called, she snapped back to reality and her eyes trailed to the voice who had called her.

"what now?" she asked, clearly annoyed with him for disturbing her. "your loverboy is here," he said, pointing towards the front door. hangyul was standing at the classroom's door frame, waiting for her.

"oh um, what should i do?" he gave her a are you kidding look and rolled his eyes. "get your ass up and go see him duh"

"right," she muttered before getting up, walking towards hangyul. yohan shook his head and continued playing hangman with junho and eunsang. "fucking losers don't even know what's the capital city of singapore." eunsang snickered.

yohan had his eyes on gaeul, not leaving her for a second. he watched as they both giggled, talking about things yohan wasn't interested in. he could've easily eavesdropped on them but he respected her privacy.

"who's that dude? i've never seen him around before."yohan turned his attention to junho and shrugged. "gaeul's childhood swee- best friend i guess?" yohan wanted to hit himself for almost spilling her secret.

one thing he knew, gaeul would never hesitate to kick him out from her apartment if he ever brought that up again.

gaeul came back with a smile on her face. she sat beside junho and turned to look at them. "can i play too?" she requested and they gladly allowed her to join the game. surprisingly she had won 3 games consequently and that made junho and eunsang shocked.

"fuck it up gaeul! you're suddenly good at this shit i don't want to question how but you're doing great sweetie!" junho praised her.

"cha junho if you don't shut the fuck up i'll switch places and let that bitchy ass jeon minji become your new partner." she threatened him.

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