CHAPTER 4: Overboard

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Bakugou's POV:

When I opened my eyes. I saw that we were on a pirate ship in the middle of the ocean with no land in sight. Deku stood up and headbutted the blue haired pirate that was talking to him.

"I'm not working for pirate trash like you.  After all you killed our families!"

It was at that moment Shoto woke up and cheered Deku on.

"Yeah you tell them Midoriya!"

The blue haired pirate punched Deku in the gut and he started to gasp for air.

"You little brat. I'll teach you a lesson you won't soon forget."

The blue haired pirate snapped his fingers and everyone on deck grabbed us and made us look over the side of the ship. Well everyone except Deku that is. We can't look to see why Deku is screaming because the pirates have a hold of our heads and making us watch the same spot. A few minutes pass. Then we see what looks to be a pulley device facing off the side of the ship and a plank under it. Deku's screams get muffled as he starts getting pulled by the rope on the pulley towards the plank. As Deku stumbles trying to fight the pulley. I see that they branded his neck with their Jolly Rodger and his neck starts bleeding. We all pleaded for them to stop but all the pirates laughed at us. Deku had a cloth over his mouth so he couldn't even say his last words to us. As Deku reached the edge of the plank. The blue haired pirate pulled it out from under him. The rope on the pulley was tied to the ropes around his shoulders and wrists. As Deku kicks the air trying to swing back on the ship. A drop of his blood hits the water. I start to see something huge and dark approach us. Once it's under Deku. I see what look to be shark fins popping out of the water and circling around him. Deku finally gets the cloth out of his mouth. When he does. He looks at me and says.

"Kacchan I--"

Before he could finish what he was going to tell me. The blue haired pirate cut the rope on the pulley and Deku fell in the water.

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