CHAPTER 12: Loyalty

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Bakugou's POV:

I walk out of  my quarters and go below deck to the kitchen. After I'm done making mine and Deku's meals. I walk past my right hand man weird hair Kirishima.

"Captain where is the merman at?"

"He's in the tank that's in my quarters.  He was starting to look sickly so I put him in salt water. Why do you want to know?"

"I'm just making sure he didn't escape  that's all sir."

"Okay well get back to work."

"Aye aye captain!"

As I walk back in the room. I give Deku his food, and I take a deep breath in to calm my nerves. As I was about to tell Deku how I felt. I heard Icyhot say.

"Land ho!"

So I rushed outside. When I walked out. I saw that we weren't at the cave island, but a huge port town.

"What's going on!? We're supposed to be at the cave island by now not here!"

Icyhot jumps down from the crows nest and tackles me to the deck.

"Time for new leadership captain. You're too soft to lead us."

I start to use my quirk but Icyhot freezes my hands.


I couldn't finish what I was saying because  Sero used his quirk to tape over my mouth.  As I tried to get up. Kaminari put shackles on my wrists and ankles. Then he attached an ancker to my feet. After that I saw Deku's tank being rolled out onto the loading dock. Kirishima kept me out of Deku's site so he wouldn't go crazy. I started to thrash around and get away,  but the chains were too thick. Plus with my hands frozen. I couldn't bust out of them. The ice was so cold that I couldn't sweat anywhere on my body. After Deku was off the ship. Kirishima smiled at me and says.

"Looks like it's time for you to leave Bakugou."

He drags me to the opposite side of the ship from Deku.  Then he sets me on the edge where the plank is supposed to be but isn't.  I know what he's going to do so I give him a look that states Go to hell.

"Fairwell old friend."

He pushes me off the ship after he kicks the ancker that's attached to me off first. I fall in the water and Within seconds. I'm surrounded by darkness.

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