CHAPTER 15: Sacrifices

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Bakugo's POV:

"Wait so this is the place where our island's legend came from?"

"Yep see the old carvings over there?"

Shigaraki points to a huge crystal with carvings from the old language inscribed on it. As I walk closer. I can start to make out what is written. So I start to read it aloud.

"If you be trapped in this cave. Then you're  still true loves slave. A simple action is all it takes. Doing so will turn you like true loves form. So will you be able to risk the stakes?"

Shigaraki comes up behind me and pins me down to the ground.

"So if I kiss you then I can leave here. thanks for helping me out Bakugo. Maybe I'll do more then a kiss like old times."

He starts laughing as I close my eyes and tremble in fear. Then I remember Deku's smile. At that moment. All I could think of was how I would never be able to look Deku in the eyes again. If I let Shigaraki win. So I made up my mind to fight back.

"You're not my true love. In fact I never loved you for a second. I feared you but no more will I cower to you!"

After I said that. He was pissed off. So much so that he put his hands around my neck and started choking me.

"Well that's fine with me.  Struggle all you want. After all it didn't say you had to be alive for it to work."

"True love has to be mutual!"

"Exactly so if I kill you then it will be because I'll be the only one left."

I start to feel weak. Everything starts to look hazy.

"Any last words Katsuki Bakugo?"

"I.... I'm sorry I couldn't tell you how I felt before. Deku  I"

I felt one teardrop drip off my face and as it hit the ground. The sound echoed in the cave like a loud drop. After that everything went dark.

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