CHAPTER 7: Discovery

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Bakugou's POV:

I wake up to the sound of singing. As I looked around the room. I was in the captain's quarters but Shigaraki's things weren't in here. So I got up and looked outside on deck. I couldn't believe it. We actually got rid of them. I walked out to join them and Icyhot put the captain's hat on my head.

"Where to now captain Bakugo?"

"Wait what?"

"You made the plan to be free from the old guys. So you're captain"

"Okay then let's go to where the legend supposedly came from."

Everyone on deck at the same time said.


As we traveled to the island of caves just 245 nauts east of our homeland. We saw something on a rock infrunt of us. As we get closer. It starts to look human. It almost looks like a guy sleeping or dead on the rock. So we dropped ancker before reaching him. Then me, weird hair, and Icyhot got in a rowboat. As we got closer. We could hear singing. It was in the same notes as the lullaby from home.

"🎵 I see the sea it's blue like me.
My love where can you be.
It's been far too long.
That I've sung this song.
A kiss is all I need.🎵"

I step on the rock carefully so he doesn't notice me. Right as I see his face. He sees me and starts to back away. When his leg touched the water. They turned into a beautiful fin. It was like he was a merman. So I slowly reached to touch his fin. As I was about to make contact. He started to retreat in the water. Icyhot didn't allow him to get away. So he grabbed his wrists and chained them behind his back. As Icyhot started to pull him out of the water. Weird hair chained his fin. We put him on the boat and got him on board.

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