I Was Right About You Pt.2

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My heart suddenly beats fast and hard hurting my chest as I look to see Stella staring at me; I couldn't even breath properly. I calm myself taking small breaths then speak.

"S-Stella.." I stutter a bit.
She gives me a smile and waves.
My teeth then grits as I look around the room and see a music box on her table. Stella slowly closing the door behind us and locking us both in, I quickly grab the music box and toss it at her window as it shatters it. I move swifly to the window and jump right out of it landing on my belly. I then get up, fix my glasses and start running through the forest to lose her.

After running deeper and deeper in the forest, I manage ending up in a road close to a main route to Y/N's place. "Y/N has to know about this...he has to...." I immediately head straight to Y/N's house and knock on his door.

There was no answer so I knock once more then he finally answers.
"Oh hey, you were that girl from yesterday-"
"Y/N may I come in please? We need to talk."
"Uh o-okay I guess," he says letting me in and escorting me to his living room. I sit on his couch sighing in relief and Y/N sits across from me.

"Um, Al...Aluma was it?"
"Yeah. Aluma."
"So, what do we need to talk about?"
"Your girlfriend is a psycho."
"Stella? What do you mean?"
"She fricking...murdered her parents and left their bodies locked up in a room. She even go as far as to..kill her younger sister-"
"You're crazy, Stella isn't like that at all."
"That's what she wants everyone to think   Y/N-!"
"Okay, first you came up to me talking like we spoke before telling me to watch Stella now this?! Are you trying to break our relationship?!"
"Of course we spoke before dammit! That day when the teacher sent you to deliver the documents to me and later in that same day you told me to stay away from you."
"I don't remember any of that you liar!"
"Wait..." a memory hit me...Y/N's food that was thrown away.. it had pills in it. I look back at Y/N. "Y/N?"
"Do you remember the time you were eating your lunch then you suddenly got unconscious?"
"What? No! But...I do remember waking up in the nurse..."
"Did Stella told you how you got there?"
"Actually....No..She didn't.."
"What about your finger? Do you remember how you lost it?"
He looks at his hand and has a clueless look on his face. "N-No..."

I take out the picture of him with his missing finger and show it to him. His eyes widen and he starts breathing a bit shakily. "H-H-How do I...not remember any of this...?"
"Stella must've drugged you with something that messed up your memory. Why? Not sure."
Y/N becomes silent after.
"Y/N listen, Stella is really dangerous. Just be careful with how you're gonna handle all this. Okay?"
"....And you?"
"Apparently she's after me now so...I better stick home and tell my mom that I got suspended for no reason."

I get up and head to the front door then look back at Y/N. Darn, I kinda feel it for him...
Exiting his house, I take another route home and when I finally reach home I notice the door is wide open. "Hmm? Why's the door left open? Is the house getting robbed?!

I hurry inside all panicked. "Mom?! Ikkai?!" I walk through the living room calling out for them until I hear humming from upstairs so I hurry upstairs to my brother's room and slowly open the door and my eyes widen as I see mom all bloody on the floor. I run to her body and fall to my knees crying my eyes out. I shed more and more tears then hear the humming coming closer behind me. I turn around and see the rose red maniac.....dragging my...brother's body by an axe and comparing to her look from last time, her eyes are now somehow glowing red.

"yOu'rE HomE."

MiNe//// (Psycho Yandere Girl x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now