The Tiger Neko

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The whole class was traumatized looking at Jason knowing he's dead. I become more moved just looking at him so I look away then my eyes stop on Stella. She wasn't sad or anyone but yet confused. I walk up to her and tap her shoulder.

"You alright?"
"Yeah it's just.....this all seems weird."
"I don't know, he was okay and suddenly he died-"
I didn't kill him so how?!
"You didn't what?"
"Sorry. What were you saying?"
"I'm saying his death doesn't add up at all."
"Or could be..."
"His lunch...he ate his lunch and after that he was acting strange."
"So you're saying..."
"Yeah...he got poisoned. And I think I know who poisoned him."
"You're not thinking it's that neko girl are you?"
"She's the one who gave him the food didn't she?"
"But that doesn't mean it's her. Plus she looks new and I doubt she even knows him."
Stella just looks at me shaking her head.
"What? It's true."
"Why are you defending her?"
"I'm not but we can't just point fingers on her like that."
"You're probably right...I'm gonna ask her."

She walks off to look for that neko girl and run after her. "Stella wait."
As I catch up to her, we miraculously bump into her. She looks scared and paranoid.

"I-I didn't know....the..." she says trembling.
"Who are you?" Stella asks with a straight face.
"I-Im just an assistant for the c-cafeteria. I-I didn't know the lunch had p-poison in it...I swear.."
"Come on Stella, can't you see she's really scared?"
Stella looks at her keenly and asks "who gave you the lunch to give him?"
"One of the cooks....the lady with the grey hair..."
"Okay. Thank you."
She nods and runs off whimpering and I look at Stella.

"See, I told you that you're wrong."
Stella's acting different now. What's going on with her?

Later that day

School gets dismissed and I am on my way home until I bump into Stella.
"Oh Stella."
"Y/N. Are you heading home?"
"Yeah. How about you?"
She crushes a paper in her hand. "Same actually. Some things I have to plan out."
"Oh? what you planning?"
"Something for my club."
"Oh sweet. I'm here if you need help."
"That won't be necessary. Don't worry, I can handle it."
"Okay. If you say so."
"I want to ask you."
"What am I to you?"
"Huh? What do you mean?"
"I thought we were something Y/N."
"Not yet."
"Not yet-?"
"I want to know you more Stella."
"How much more you want to know me Y/N? I've shown how much I care about you. I've shown how much I love you. I gave you my virginity and even hoping to have a child with you. How much more, Y/N?"
"I....just don't know yet okay?"
"There's someone else who peaks your interests isn't it?"
"Stella no-"
"Is it that stray cat-?!"

I shake my head and continue my way home.

Stella's POV~

As Y/N walks away possibly mad at me, I frown then look back at the note I found in my locker.

You should be thankful your hands are freed up now~

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