Our Happy Ending////

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"Officer Duncan, where's Detective Morgan?"
"He didn't tell me where he went sir."
"Can you contact him? We need his help."
"Yes sir," Duncan obeys trying to call Morgan but he doesn't seem to be answering. "He's not answering sir-huh?" he got surprised to see Morgan calling him and he answers it. "Detective! Where are you? We need you over he-"
"12B Fathom Street," Stella whispers through the phone.
"What..? Who is this...?"
The phone cuts off before Duncan could get an answer and he becomes puzzled.
"Um...I don't know who that was but she said...12B Fathom Street?"
"That must be where Morgan is, something must be going on. Everyone move!"

Every police officer in the scene head in their cars heading straight to Fathom Street while a few others carry the bodies for autopsy.

Lulu's POV

Fear hitting every part of my body, I barricade the entrance with everything I could possibly find in the shrine that's heavy enough to block it. I look for more and more stuff to block the entrance, hyperventilating like crazy as I couldn't think straight; I feel as though I'm losing my mind until I took deep breaths calming down.

After I fully calm down, I reach over for my phone and try to dial Officer Duncan again but all of a sudden the signal cut right off.
"Dang it..no signal..right now..." I go to different parts trying to get at least a little signal and my body froze when I hear singing from the distance behind me.

🎵Sneaky little fox, keep your hands to yourself
   Steal what's not yours, you'll regreeett it🎵
🎵A stab in the chest or an axe in your head
    Little fox don't touch what's yourss🎵

I slowly turn around to the singing as it gets higher and higher as the silhouette comes closer.

🎵He's mine he's mine little fox so no touchy~
    Or your precious little life won't be so lucky~🎵

🎵Sneaky little fox, keep your hands or you lose it~
    And that sorrow looking face...I'll do more than bruise it~🎵

The silhouette, revealing Stella in her bloody school uniform, gives a really daring but creepy smile while glaring right at me.

I look at my phone to see if there's any signal and I commit to dial Duncan.
"Your little cop friend is heading where I left your father which is 20 miles from here~"
"M-My father....?"
She tosses her phone to me as I look at a picture of his dead corpse. "Dead."
".....You're after me...so why are you going after my family...?"
"They were should I say...peeking into my business too much. Especially poppa detective.."
"...So..I'm next now huh? What in the hell you're gonna achieve from just killing me?"
"Kill you..? Hahahahaha! I don't want to kill you, I wAnt tO ToRtuRe yOu anD cUt yOUr LimBs aNd OrgAnS oUt!!"
I shiver a bit in fear hearing that response.
"But who knows, there's just so many ways I want to just make you scream in agony," she says with a smile on her face.
"W-Well...good luck bitch. You don't stand a chance against me."
"Thanks! You too!" she says throwing a katana to me and I catch it with a puzzled look. "You need that a lot."

She rushes over to me swinging her axe at me and I quickly draw the katana out parrying which pushes me back. Trying to recover from the recoil, she casually walks up to me attacking me over and over as I block them all. Attempting to counter her attack, she swings at my hand with quick reflexes sundering my wrists which causes me to drop the sword.

I hold my wrist groaning in pain and I immediately look as she drops her axe and punches me in the face. Recovering from the punch, I block her next punch sweeping her legs and she falls hard on the ground. She then wraps her legs around mine pinning me down. I fight out of her grip with her punching my face and I kick her off me. I get on my feet stopping the bleeding wound as she gets up too. She launches at me grabbing me by the shoulder while pushing me to the wall.

Pushing back with all I've got, she headbutt me hard then I feel her hand grabbing my face and slamming it in the wall. I instinctively turn to her recovering from my head as it aches and I see Stella picks up her axe. I get lightheaded as I await her next move and she swings her axe at my shoulder. Ignoring my wrist and using the strength I have, I hit the axe out of her arm and my eyes immediately glance over at her other hand slipping a knife from her sleeve. Before I could even dodge it, she forces it straight through my abdomen.

Lulu spews out blood in shock as her body suddenly gets heavy and falls over. Stella laughs, humored by Lulu's carelessness; she grabs LuLu by her hair dragging her unresponsive  body to a wall. Tossing LuLu over at the wall, Stella roams the shrine finding some nails and a hammer as she set Lulu right arm to nail it right in the wall. "AAAAAHH!!!! AAAAAHHHHH!!!!!" Her screams gets louder and louder when the hammer hits the nail and Stella smiles enjoying the sound her screaming of pain.

"More~ I want to hear more~" Stella says eagerly wanting to hear her screams, kicks her arm really hard snapping the bone in two.
"A-a-a.....AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!" Lulu's screams were louder than ever, echoing inside the shrine.
"YES! YESS THAT'S IT HAHAHAHAA!!!" Stella was in delight seeing the sight of LuLu screaming in extreme pain and agony.
"K-KILL MEEEE!!! KILL ME ALREADY!!" she cries out painfully in tears. She begs and begs while Stella goes for her axe and chop one of her legs clean off. LuLu screams get even more painful as she begs to die and Stella being humored by it chops the other leg off. Stella giggles holding up one of the severed legs to LuLu who's begging eagerly to die.
"I can't quite hear properly from all the shouting, come closer," Stella says pulling LuLu very roughly to her causing the broken arm to rip right off her body. LuLu's screams stopped by the unbearable pain she's in right now; she could move nothing, not even her eyes.

Stella lays on the floor looking deep in her half dead eyes with a cute evil smirk on her face. LuLu trying to let out a word from her mouth and Stella looking down at her, begins to hum a melody while watching as LuLu slowly dies.

A few hours later

Duncan's POV~

I've been trying to call LuLu for a long goddamn time and she's still not answering! I dial her phone again driving all the way back to the shrine and she's still answering.
Shit..Hope she's alright...

I reach the shrine and pushes the entrance door. "Not budging..its barricaded? Lulu! Lulu are you in there?! Lulu answer me!"
Hearing no answer makes me start to worry so I find another way inside. Going through a back entrance, I walk to the front level of the shrine and saw Lulu..laying dead on the floor in front of a...teenage girl?

"Long time no see, Officer Duncan."
"You...look familiar...you're that...girl from the orphanage. Stella?"
"I'm surprised you remembered me."
"H-Hands on your head! Now!" I say pointing my gun at her.
"Or what? You'll shoot me? An innocent teenage girl?"
"Yeah, because there's no evidence to prove I killed Lulu...or the other girls from the school. So you're just sending yourself to prison Mr. Duncan.."
"Tsk...I'm..not just gonna make you run off free."
"You have to. It's not like you can stop me right," she says as she gets up and slowly walks past me.
"S-Stop I say!" I say shaking a bit, knowing I can't do anything about this situation.
"Would you excuse me? I have my love to go back to, take care Duncan~" Stella lefts with a wave and I fall to my knees crying.

A few years later

"Yes babe?"
"I love you," she whispers in my ear over and over and over again as she have me between her chest.
I smile being relaxed by her cute but sinister voice and leans in for a kiss. Our lips depart after a few seconds and I roll over rubbing her tummy.
"This is the happy ending I wanted, I'm so glad."
"Yeah, me too. I love our happy ending."

She lays in my arms as I smile watching the blood red scenery filled with corpses.

The End

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