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Sisi lain lobi apartemen, ruang kendali CCTV. Ruangannya tidak terlalu besar, lengkap dengan dua buah monitor berukuran 42 inch, beberapa perangkat server, serta kabel-kabel listrik yang saling tumpang tindih menghias di tiap sudut. Jumlah keseluruhan yang terpasang dalam satu gedung dengan 20 lantai adalah sebanyak 60 unit kamera. Semua kamera itu terkoneksi ke dua buah layar yang tertanam di badan tembok. Disana duduk seorang lelaki berwajah kasar, berumur sekitar empat puluhan, dengan kulitnya yang hitam legam. Dia sibuk mengamati detil pergerakan kamera yang menyorot ke semua titik yang terpasang. Tangannya mengambil walkie talkie yang berada dekat. Meminta laporan dari semua anggota sekuriti yang berjaga. Kegiatan itu rutin dilakukan, karena dia adalah komandan sekuriti. Namanya Jhoni Iskandar, semua anggota memanggilnya Bang Jon. Beberapa anggota sekuriti membalas panggilan sang komandan. Sewaktu masihmendengar laporan, lelaki itu terperanjat menemukan kejanggalan di area lobi basement. Pada layar monitor, didapati orang asing mengenakan seragam sekuriti, milik dari salah satu anggotanya.

"Basement, lapor!" panggilnya tegas melalui alat tersebut.

"Masuk! Basement lapor!"

"Sama siapa ibu Magda naik ke lantai dua belas? Ganti!"

"Ibu Magda minta bantuan anggota kita, Dan!"

"Anggota? Itu bukan anggota kita? Gimana kamu itu!! Semua pos lapor! Selain lobi utama, semua anggota segera berkumpul di ruang kendali! Saya ulangi, untuk semua anggota harap kumpul!!" serunya terdengar berang.

"Siap!!" timpal semua anggota satu-persatu, di alat komunikasi tersebut.

Dalam waktu singkat, satu, dua, tiga orang masuk, diteruskan dengan anggota sekuriti lainnya. Tuan Jhon bangkit dari tempat duduknya, dengan memasang wajah garang, berikut pandangannya yang tajam menatap semua anak buahnya. Tanpa menunggu anggota lain datang, dia mulai bicara.

"Ada penyusup masuk ke lantai dua belas! Kohar, Gofur, Ucok, dan Yusak, segera kalian kesana! Untuk yang lain, saya minta kalian semua berjaga di pintu keluar! Mengerti!" tandas Bang Jon dengan suara yang lantang lagi bengis.

"Siap!!" Rampak semua orang diruangan itu menjawab, memberi hormat, dan segera melaksanakan perintah tersebut.


The other side of the apartment lobby, CCTV control room. The room is not too big, complete with two 42-inch monitors, several server devices, and overlapping electrical wires decorating each corner. The total number installed in one building with 20 floors is 60 units of cameras. All cameras are connected to two screens embedded in the body of the wall. There sat a rough-faced man, in his forties, with jet-black skin. He was busy observing the details of the movement of the camera that highlighted to all points attached. His hand took a walkie talkie that was near. Request reports from all members of the security guard. The activity is routinely carried out, because he is the security commander. His name is Jhoni Iskandar, all members call him Mr. Jhon. Several security members returned the commander's call. While still listening to the report, the man was shocked to find irregularities in the basement lobby area. On the monitor screen, it was found a stranger wearing a security uniform, belonging to one of its members.

"Basement, report!" He called firmly through the tool.

"Enter! Basement report! "

"Who is Magda's mother going up to the twelfth floor? Change it! "

"Ms. Magda is asking for help from our members!"

"Member? That's not our member? How are you !! All posts report! Besides the main lobby, all members immediately gathered in the control room! I repeat, for all members please gather !! "he exclaimed sounding angry.

"Ready !!" said all members one by one, in the communication tool.

In a short time, one, two, three people entered, followed by other members of the security. Mr. Jhon rose from his seat, with a fierce face, and his sharp gaze looked at all his men. Without waiting for other members to come, he began to talk.

"An intruder entered the twelfth floor! Kohar, Gofur, Ucok, and Yusak, you go there immediately! For the others, I ask all of you to stand guard at the exit! Understood! "Said Bang Jon in a loud, violent voice.

"Ready !!" It seemed that everyone in the room answered, saluted, and immediately carried out the order.


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