Chapter 4: Lima, OH

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I look trough the private jet window and sighed. It just landed in my old home, that doesn't feel like home anymore. Lima, Ohio.

A few minutes later, I finally get off the plane and the driver put my suitcase inside the car. As he drove trough the town I recognize all those streets. I used to know every single corner of this town. I saw the ice cream shop that I used to go with Kurt when we were sad and needed to cry. I saw the old Hummel's Tire Shop, I saw the bakery I used to go with my mom in Sunday mornings. It's weird to be back, I feel like I don't belong.

The car stopped in front of where it's going to be my new home for the next month. It's a big classic white house, in the front porch has a swing where it's good to sit and watch the town. I bought this house awhile ago but I never had the need to use.

I grabbed the keys inside my purse and and opened the house, inside is beautiful. Inside is really cozy, makes me feel kind of embraced. It's REALLY different from Beverly Hills. I asked to Rosa find people to decorate the house in a week and they did a good job.

 I asked to Rosa find people to decorate the house in a week and they did a good job

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I went to the master bedroom and put my suitcases in there and sighed. I'm not feeling any better. I know isn't something immediate but I thought the second I stepped in Lima I would feel like home. But I'm not feeling like home at all.

I went to the kitchen and there's no food and I sighed, looks like I have to go to the grocery. I grabbed the keys and put back in the bag and the car keys, I just hope I still remember the way.

I drive and look around the town, looks exactly the same. It didn't changed a bit. I get in the grocery shop and take a cart and walk trough sessions grabbing the food I knew I'll need and I saw a familiar person.

"Rachel Berry? Oh my God!" He shouted and I forced a smiled. It's like I'm seeing a ghost.

"Mr.Schue!" I shouted and he hugged me and I hugged him back. I missed Mr.Schue, he is really cool. Wow...8 years that I last saw him.

"You didn't changed a bit! Time is being good for you." He said and I chuckled.

"Thank you, how are you? How have you been?" I said immediately feeling guilty for leaving him, along with the others, behind.

"I've been great! Happily married with Emma for 7 years and we have 5 years old son, Daniel and a 3 years old daughter, Alicia." He said and I smiled to him.

"That's so great Mr.Schue!" I said smiling to him. I'm genuinely happy for him.

"And how about you Mrs.Hollywood Superstar?" He asked laughing and I forced a laugh. My suicide attempt was kept between the doctors, me, Rosa, my therapist and María. No one else knows. The media has no idea. I wanted this way, I don't want people think that I'm weak. I just hate pity.

"Oh I'm doing great! And busy!" I lied.

"That's amazing, I love listening your voice trough the radios. You're really talented." He said smiling and I smiled back.

"Thank you, I couldn't have done without you Mr.Schue." I said and he smiled. "How's Glee Club?! I miss glee."

"Oh it's great! We have a lot of talents there. The first New Directions generation is having a reunion because of the 4th of July and they're coming to town. You should join us!" He said smiling. I feel so bad for cutting him off my life, Mr.Schue always believed in me.

"I would love to, Mr.Schue. But I'm not so sure about that, I don't think they would be happy to see me. I was kind of mean to you all." I said.

"I don't think so, just think about it. We still have what? Two weeks to that. You have time to think. We're going to have a reunion in July 3rd at McKinley and at the 4th of July we all are going to the Hudson-Hummel barbecue." He said smiling. "Now I have to go, I enjoyed seeing you, Rachel." He said and I hugged him.

"I missed you, Mr.Schue." I said. "And I'll think about it. But I really don't know." I said.

"Take care, Rachel." He said and left.

I paid the food and but the bags inside the car and drive back home. I put the food on the counter and decided to go to a dinner to eat cause I'm not in the mood of cooking.

I drive to the only dinner I remember where it was, I walk in and it's not crowded, thankfully. I sit at one booth alone in the corner, it's not a surprise that is not crowded, it's a Wednesday afternoon. Adults are working, kids probably at the park and mostly of the teenagers probably are at a summer party getting their asses drunk feeling like the coolest people alive.

"Oh my God! I think my eyes are tricking me?" I heard a very familiar voice and I lift my sight from the menu and I saw Kurt Hummel.

He didn't changed a bit, he still uses his hair high and perfect fixed. He is wearing jeans and a dress white shirt. Still really stylish.

"Kurt!" I shouted with a smile and he came closer and I stand up and give him a hug.

He was a little surprised but hugged back. I think Kurt I missed Kurt the most. He was my best friend and I feel like a bitch for actually leaving him behind.

"It's so nice to see you!" I said.

"Really?"  He asked sounding surprised.

"Damn really." I said to him.

"W-what are you doing here? I mean, I thought you were really busy to come to Lima." He said.

"I'm so sorry." I said and he sighed.

"I understand..." He said.

"Join me, I really could use your company. I really missed you, Kurt." I said.

"Sure." He said and we sit.

"So how have you been?" I asked him.

"I've been great, honestly. How about you?" He asked and I forced a smile.

"I've been great! Busy but great." I said with a forced smile and lying. I'm far from great.

"What are you doing here? In Lima?" He asked and I sighed. How to explain?

"Hm...I've been so busy for the past 8 years that a break would be good for once. Reconnect with my roots." I said and he smiled.

"I'm glad you're back!" He said and I smiled.

We ate and kept chatting about how are our lives now. I missed Kurt.

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