Chapter 10: Medicine Problem

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I do my morning routine that includes, taking a shower, eating breakfast and taking my medicine. Dammit, when I was going to take the medicine I saw the bottle was empty.

I changed into some white jeans short, a crop top, I put my hair in a messy bun and flip flops. I grab my purse and sunglasse and left the house. I get in the car and drive.

I can't stop thinking about my last nigh dream or nightmares, whatever. Probably all of that is true. Everyone hates me. I hate myself so why everyone else wouldn't hate also?

I park my car in the drug store with the prescription of the antidepressants in my purse and I went inside. I go to the balcony and grabbed the new bottle of medicine. When I was leaving I bumped into someone.


"Hey mom." I said walking into her house. "Where is the prescription of Burt's heart medicine? He asked me to buy it for him because he has a busy day at the tire shop."

I'm a High School teacher and it's summertime to that means I'm also in vacation.

"In the kitchen counter." She replied and I nodded and grabbed the prescription and left the house into my car and drive to the drugstore.

I get there and take the medicines but when I was leaving I bumped into someone.

"I'm so sorry." She said and I know this voice. I lift up my head and my heart raced.

"Rachel?" I said and she looks up surprised and grab her bag and I grabbed the other.

"Finn? Wow." She said surprised. 

"Hey." I said nervously. "I didn't knew you were back." She looks so different.

She looks more gorgeous than before, I don't know how that's possible. But she looks different, something in her eyes are different. She used to have a sparkle in her eyes but now this sparkle is gone.

"Yeah...I'm here for a couple days." She said.

"How long you're staying?" I asked.

"A few weeks, I think I'm leaving in the middle of July or so." She said and I half smiled.

"Good for you, right? To be back?" I asked and she swallowed. She seems nervous.

"You could say that. But it feels good to be back here in Lima." She said forcing a smile. She is lying as fuck! If I didn't knew her so well, I would never know that she is lying.

"Oh that's great." I said half smiling. She is not my friend, my girlfriend or something. I shouldn't worry if she's lying or not.

"Oh I almost forgot, congratulations!" She said and I frowned my eyebrows. "For your engagement with Quinn." She said with a smile and I smiled back to her. Oh damn you Kurt!

"Thank you." I said smiling.

"Oh I should go, I don't want to bother you. Have a nice day." She said and left quickly.

This was the weirdest conversation me and Rachel ever had. I went back to the car and drive to my mom's house. I get off the car and get in the house and saw Kurt and mom in the kitchen just chatting.

"Did you brought the medicine?" Kurt asked.

"Yeah, it's here." I said and give him the bag with the medicine in it.


When I grabbed the bottle of medicine to check if it was the right medicine. I was shocked.

One Tablet A Day
Pacient: Rachel B. Berry
Dr. Potter

"Finn, did you bumped into someone there?" I asked still in shock.

Rachel is taking antidepressants? What the hell? Oh wow...That explains a lot. Like in the other when she thanked me for being all she nedded. That's why she came back here. Now I understand what she actually meant with reconnecting with her roots, she is depressed.

"How do you know?" He asked. "Yeah, I bumped into Rachel Berry. It was so weird."

"Because this is her medicine you idiot!" I said. And in that exactly moment, the bell ring.


When I got home and it was going to take my medicine, I grabbed the bottle and saw that in the tag it was for Burt Hummel.

Holy crap.

I grabbed the bag with the bottle of medicine and get inside my car and drive to the Hudson Hummel house. I'm surprised I still remember the way to there.

"Because is her medicine you idiot!" I heard Kurt's voice saying and I ring the bell. A few seconds later, Finn opened the door.

"Rachel?" He said confused.

"Hm..." I said pressing my nails against the palm of my hands nervously. "I think I got Burt's medicine by mistake."

"Oh yeah! Kurt just saw that, I'm going to grab it for you." He said and I give him the bag with Burt's medicine then he disappeared into the house and I wait outside. He cameback holding a bag with my medicine inside followed by Carole and Kurt.

"Rachel!" Carole said smiling and I smiled to her and she gave me a tight hug. She is like my second mom. I love Carole.

"Hi Carole." I said smiling while hugging her.

"How are you?" She asked.

Only if she knew. I'm doing great, I tried to suicide a week before coming here and last night I almost jumped off a bridge but I'm doing amazingly!


"How are you?" Carole asked and Rachel smiled looking to her.

"I'm great!" She said. That would be totally believable if I didn't knew she was taking antidepressants.

"Rachel, can I talk to you in private?" I asked and she nodded and grabbed her bag from Finn's hand.

"We should go inside, mom." Finn said. "Bye Rachel." He said with a half smile and she wavem goodbye for them.

"We need to talk." I said when the door closed. "What do you have inside the bag?"

"Just headache medicine." She said shrugging.

"Why you're lying to me? I saw that you're taking antidepressants." I said to her.

"Please don't tell anyone. Besides me, my manager and my therapist you're the only one who knows about that." She said to me and we sit on the porch. "You have no idea, Kurt. You have no idea about how is my life right now. Everything is just so complicated. I'm always alone, always. I'm sure you only hang out with me because you have pity."

"That's not true at all! I really do like you and I'm happy that we're close again!" I said to her. I really mean that. She just sighed, I'm feeling so bad for her. I know she is keeping a lot to herself. "You know that you can count with me to everything, right?"

"Thank you." She said and we hugged tight.


Kurt knows...He knows...I don't know what to do. I want to believe him so badly but after thag nightmare that Finn said all of that to me and about me...It's just so hard.

"But I won't tell anyone if you're also worried about that." He said and I nodded.

"Thank you." I said again. "You have no idea of how important you're being to me now."

"My pleasure." He said.

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