Chapter 17: Drunk Call

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"What the hell?" I mumbled to myself when my phone started ringing in the middle of the night and I grabbed in and see the ID.

Finn Hudson.

"Hello?" I said yawning. I can hear muffled music and voices. Where the hell is he? And why he's calling me at 2am?

"Rachel!" He exclaimed from the other side.

Oh fuck, he's definitely drunk.

"Finn? Where are you? Are you drunk?" I asked nervously.

"What? Puffft! Never! I'm 100% sober." He said laughing. "I'm so glad you answered."

"Finn, I don't understand. Are you okay?" I asked. He left my house yesterday morning, I guess him and Quinn already got the chance to talk. I feel so bad for him.

"What?! Of course! My fiancée cheated on me with my so called best friend and she's pregnant! But I'm not mad about that." He said and now I'm more confused than before.

"So why you're mad?" I asked worried.

"Because the whole time since I found out the only thing that is inside my mind is you, Rach." He said and I gasped. "Actually, you're inside my mind since I bumped into you in the drugstore! Before that I prohibit myself to think about you."

"Finn, where are you? I can pick you up." I said with my eyes getting teary. This situation is so confusing cause I wanna be with him but I can't because he was engaged until yesterday.

"Shhhh, let me talk." He said very drunk. "Rach, I'm mad with myself cause I can't stop thinking things like Rachel would never cheat on me. But I don't have Rachel anymore, ya know? I don't have you anymore, Rach. And I will never have. Because you're this big star that you were designed to be. I always believed in you, Rach. Always. And you live in another world that I would NEVER fit in. But what that matters, right? I lost everything. I lost my fiancée, I lost the only woman that I felt that I would die for and would be worth it."

"Oh Finn..." I said with my hands shaking and tears rolling down my cheek. "Where are you?"

"Joey's Bar." He answered chuckling softly.

"I'm going there right now." I said and turn off the phone nervously. I put my hair in a messy bun, put on the first pair of sandals in front of me and grabbed the car keys and went to my car. Why this keeps happenig? Why do I always end up leaving the house in pajamas? Argh.

I stop the car in front of the bar and get off the car and went inside. I feel some dirty looks on my ass from some dudes cause I'm with a very small shorts cause it's my pajamas.

I look around and finally spot Finn in a dark corner and on his table there was empty shots, empty beer bottles and empty glasses and only God knows what the hell was inside before he drinks. He looks devastated and he's staring at his phone. Then my phone started ringing and I look the ID, it's him so I pick up.

"Rach?" He said and I look him rubbing the back of his head.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Sorry for breaking up with you." He said and a tear slip down my cheek. "I should have never set you free. I should've had gone with you."

"You did nothing wrong, Finn." I said.

"Didn't I? So why I'm calling you instead of Quinn? I should be calling Quinn trying to find a way to save our relationship. So why I'm calling you? The woman I dated 8 years ago?" He asked and I turn off the phone and I see him stare at the screen sadly and I walk towards his table.

"You're calling me because no matter what I'm always going to be here for you." I said and he looked at me completely surprised.

"Rach?" He said and I sighed.

"Come on, let's go home." I said. I grabbed money in my wallet, thankfully I brought it, and put a lot of money on the table. I just wanna get out of here.

"I'm in Lima Hotel by the way." He said.

"Not a fucking chance that I'll leave you in a Hotel like this." I said and take him out off the bar carefully so he won't fall.

When I got home with Finn I throw my keys on the counter and take him to the showers. I take off his shirt carefully and I feel so uncomfortable doing that. I take off his pants only leaving him on his boxers. This is so weird. And turn on the shower and the cold water hit him, who immediately stopped laughing because of a stupid thing and made his wide a little and his body shiver.

"COLD!" He shouted and I wanted to laugh.

"It's good to get you sober." I said. After the shower I remember that Finn forgot his bag with his clothes that Kurt brought the other day and I grabbed him clean clothes. He changed and I take him to the guest bedroom.

"Rachie?" He drunkly said from the bed.

"Yes?" I said to him.

"I feel lonely." He said.

"I know, me too." I said sadly to him.

I'm not lying tho.

"Come here." He said widening his arms and I sighed and shook my head.

"I can't." I said. "It wouldn't be fair with you."

"Please Rach, let's just pretend that nothing happened. I never got engaged, you never left, please Rach, sleep with me just for tonight." He begged and a tear roll down my cheek. "Are you crying?" He asked worried and I walk towards him and sit on the edge of the bed.

"But it happened, Finn." I said and he put his hand on my shoulder.

"And I curse myself everyday for that." He said.

"You're drunk." I said.

"Not so much after the cold bath." He said. "Just lay with me, please."

His voice is cracking and that means he's on the verge of tears. Mines are already rolling my cheeks. I lay on the bed and so did he, both staring at the ceiling then I look at him and he looked at me. He comes closer to me and wrap his arms around me and pressed his big body against mines and I feel safe in his arms.

At this very moment, in Finn's arms in his embrace, it's the first time that I REALLY felt that I'm home since I got here.

So it's true when people say that home isn't some place, is someone.

And I'm home now.

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