Chapter 1: Kryptonite

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"Welcome to Kadena Air Base, Sergeant Bennett," Bragnae's new commanding officer said to her. "You're going to enjoy the mission here."

The short man that presided over her new unit turned his heel abruptly, and marched back into his office. That was a quick introduction. She walked back toward the dimly lit office she shared with ten other people, and sat down at her new desk. Bragnae arrived in Okinawa, Japan just two days prior, and it was her first assignment outside of the United States. She was slightly nervous about receiving orders to live in Japan for two years, but it was also welcoming, as Bragnae loved the Japanese culture. Ever since she saw Memoirs of a Geisha in 2005, Bragnae was hooked on all things Japan. She even took two classes of the Japanese language in college before she left for the military. She had no idea that she'd be granted the opportunity to one day visit Japan, let alone live there.

Bragnae served the United States Air Force as an Imagery Analyst working in the Intelligence career field. It was interesting to her, and provided a lot of job satisfaction as the work she did helped all branches of the military. As an Imagery Analyst, she looked at pictures from satellites, and searched them for significant activity. If she found any, she would mark up the digital image, and send it off to whoever was requesting it. Her finished product was most helpful to the allies of the United States, as well as any troops on the ground abroad. This was what she did while she was still stationed in South Carolina – the base and unit she just left. Bragnae was promoted to the rank of Staff Sergeant just before her departure from her last base prompting the Air Force to give her a somewhat new role in Okinawa. As a new non-commissioned officer, or NCO, she would now be in charge of other airmen beneath her, in addition to doing less imagery work.

An eerie chill ran through Bragnae's spine at the thought of her last base. It wasn't about the job, but the people she worked with. One in particular. Before her thoughts could turn against her, Bragnae quickly dismissed it, and logged off her computer for the day. She had a wall of four computer screens that sat on her desk. The office itself was somewhat quiet with the lights turned off. The constant humming of computers and the fluorescent glow of the screens filled the room. For imagery analysts, it was best to work in the dark in order to see the screens without a glare. Despite some people's strong opinions against it, Bragnae enjoyed having the lights off. It kept things calm, and she preferred it that way. Calm was foreign to her. Compared to her last base, anything was better, and being on the other side of the world – away from him was exactly what she needed.

"So, Sergeant Bennett, you coming out with us tonight?" Kiara asked her. "We're headed to the Pink Elephant in the American Village."

Technical Sergeant Kiara Castel was one rank above Bragnae. She had long black hair, similar to Bragnae's, wrapped up neatly in a low bun, and wore just enough make up to enhance her delicate features. Kiara had been stationed with Bragnae in South Carolina, but worked in a different shop. She was a Linguist who also worked in the Intelligence career field. She could speak ten languages fluently. The Air Force held her impeccable Arabic in high regard, although she preferred French above the others. Kiara worked in Bragnae's office occasionally, but her job often gave her temporary duty assignments off base, and sometimes out of the country.

"Uh... yeah. That sounds nice. I think I'm finally getting over the jet lag, and it will be nice to let loose after all of the in-processing I've had to do so far on base," Bragnae replied.

"Good," Bragnae heard a female say from the back of the room. "Because there will be lots of men at this bar – mostly Marines, since its right by Camp Foster. And I need a wingman tonight." A skinny blonde stepped forward wearing the same rank insignia as Bragnae with the last name of Fydel on the right side of her chest. "I'm Staff Sergeant Madeleine Fydel," she said with unwarranted arrogance.

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