Chapter 9: Here Without You

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A bead of sweat rolled down Drake's cheek as he looked through the scope of his rifle at a compound about a mile from his position

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A bead of sweat rolled down Drake's cheek as he looked through the scope of his rifle at a compound about a mile from his position. He and his sniper spotter, Chuck Mulligan, were hunkered down on the roof of a nearby building where they'd been for the past three hours waiting for a glimpse of their target. The hot, desert sun blazed down on them as they patiently waited.

Drake and Chuck had worked together on numerous missions before. They both got along, and worked well as a Sniper team. It was imperative for every Marine Sniper to work alongside a spotter, so they could watch each other's backs, and provide an extra set of eyes for the person looking through the scope.

Chuck was also from Texas, which gave the pair a common ground to begin with. He had red hair, and was tall and buff like Drake. The two had lots of time to get to know each other as they waited for their intended targets to appear over the past few deployments. Chuck was a good guy, and cocky as hell, but Drake liked that about him.

"I've got eyes on the target," Chuck said, peering through a pair of binoculars.

"Yeah, I see him too," Drake replied, following the target through his scope.

Chuck pressed a button linked to a headset, which he and Drake both individually wore, before speaking into it. "Sir, the target is visible, and he is Oscar Mike. Do we have a 'go' to eliminate the target? Over."

A deep, male voice cut in over the headset. "Affirmative. Take the shot when you have it. Over."

"Copy that," Chuck answered.

Drake lined up his crosshairs over the face of a middle-aged male with his expert eye. He watched carefully as the target spoke with his associates. He didn't have a clear shot of the target without other people standing in the way, so Drake continued to wait with his finger lightly resting on the trigger.

The target the two men were waiting to kill had been responsible for many deaths of innocent people including blowing up schools and hospitals. He was a formidable leader within a growing rebel group that prided themselves in terrorist attacks across the country with threats to bring their destruction to the United States. Drake took a breath in, and slowly exhaled as one by one the target's associates dispersed, leaving him exposed to Drake's line of sight.

With the butt of the rifle securely tucked against his shoulder, Drake found his opportune moment, and squeeze the trigger once sending a bullet through the air before it struck the target in his right temple. The middle-aged man drew back from the silent impact unbeknownst to his associates standing within the compound. Before the target could fall to the ground, Drake released another two shots into his chest to ensure he would not survive.

"Nice shot, Walker," Chuck told him as he watched the target fall to the ground.

The target's collapse caught the attention of those around him as they frantically tried to help their fallen leader.

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