Chapter 13: Sign of the Times

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The day after Christmas, the group loaded up bright and early for a four hour train ride back to Yokota Air Base, so they could catch the military flight back to Okinawa.

Hana felt tired from all the traveling over the past week, but she wasn't ready to go home yet. She had an incredible time exploring a new country with her friends, learning more about the Japanese culture, and enjoying the freedom she so desperately craved after being married to Neville over the years.

After a long ride on the train, they sat on the C-5 Galaxy military aircraft awaiting departure to Okinawa. The ride back was a little more crowded than the first flight over, but Hana didn't mind. She sat next to Maxwell who could comfort her at any time with his humor, crazy stories, and his delicate and caring way of speaking to her.

Maxwell was the complete opposite of Neville. Maxwell was outgoing, funny, and sincere. She could tell he truly cared for her, and lived for it. Perhaps that was the hardest thing about the trip coming to an end. Not that she'd have to go back to her mentally abusive and neglectful husband – which was already bad enough – but that she would have to leave Maxwell.

Hana had fallen for Maxwell almost right away after first meeting him. He was the vibrant star in her life that never made her feel bad about herself, and was a shoulder to lean on, cry on, and confide in. And up until the holiday trip to the mainland, their relationship was strictly platonic, even though there were a few moments they both had wanted to indulge in. Still, Maxwell was more than a gentleman, giving Hana space and not jeopardizing her marriage with Neville.

Over the course of the trip, however, their relationship had blossomed into something more. They shared a hotel room all week, and even a bed, which was awkward at first, but as soon as Maxwell rolled over and burst into a verse of Gangsta's Paradise by Coolio, she laughed herself into feeling comfortable again.

Despite the entire group making a spectacle of their teetering relationship, Hana and Maxwell agreed that it wasn't the right time to sleep together yet. Even though Hana was more than ready. She hadn't had sex with anyone for several months, and even then it wasn't that great.

Hana grimaced at the thought of the last time she and Neville had sex. It was the night of her birthday this past February before Neville left on his deployment. He was rip-roaring drunk, and forced himself on her even though she made it abundantly clear she was all set for the evening. Yet, he insisted on giving his wife a proper present. Luckily, it was over before Neville even got his pants off because he passed out on the bed after struggling to remove his button-up shirt over his head.

It wasn't as much of a desire, than a need that Hana sleep with someone she actually wanted to touch, and vice versa. Even though being married to Neville was horrible in every sense of the word, she remained faithful to him... until she shared a room with Maxwell.

Hana leaned her head back against the seat, and closed her eyes recalling the first time she and Maxwell kissed. It was after dinner in Takayama, and they had just climbed into bed for the night. They both had just enough wine and sake to boost their confidence, but not enough to get crazy. Maxwell propped an elbow on the bed, and ran a finger lightly down her arm until he reached her hand. They entwined their fingers staring into each other's eyes.

A moment later, he leaned over and placed a delicate kiss on her lips. She had always heard of sparks flying or having a shiver throughout her body when she would kiss the right person – when it was magical and meant to be. But that was all a fairy tale – that is until Maxwell kissed her that night.

After Maxwell had pulled away to make sure she was okay with their sweet connection, Hana grabbed him and pulled Maxwell on top of her. After a few, long heated moments of sultry kisses and their hands exploring each other's bodies, Maxwell pulled himself away. The kindness in his voice when he told her they should wait floored her. Hana's body ached for his, but her mind quickly retreated to reason, and agreed with him. They decided it would be more special when they weren't sharing walls with two other couples.

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