Chapter 6: When I Look at You

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Steam rose to the ceiling as the hot water from the shower cascaded down on Drake and Bragnae. He pinned her against the tiled wall gripping her hips as he slid inside her. Bragnae gasped both from the cold tile hitting her back, and the satisfying firmness of his determined cock entering her. His hands ran up her slippery body pulling her arms above her head as his lips crashed against hers. Drake held her wrists against the tile with one hand as the other traveled down to hook her leg against his waist.

The sudden change in angle as Drake thrusted into her sent surges of electricity throughout Bragnae's body. Her back slid easily against the damp wall as he increased his speed against her. Their mouths connected in uneven kisses while Drake slammed his hips into hers. She moaned against his mouth feeling herself close to the edge. Her body ached for him as the pleasure taunted her. As she concentrated on the thrilling friction between them, the momentum continued to build.

"Drake... I'm coming," she panted.

"That's it, Bragnae. Come for me," he told her.

Hearing Drake's sexy voice commanding her to give into the pleasure that beckoned sent her into a frenzy of satisfying convulsions and loud, involuntary moans. Drake smiled, driving into her faster. As the incapacitating feeling continued to spread throughout her body, Drake let out a deep moan resting his forehead against hers. They both chuckled lightly at each other. Drake released his grip on her wrists letting her wrap her arms around his neck. He leaned in to kiss her again – more playful than passionate.

Bragnae was riding an enamored high from the morning she spent with Drake. She woke up in his arms from one of the most restful nights of sleep she'd ever had. It didn't take long before he was intimately caressing her followed by Bragnae climbing on top of him, and grinding against Drake until they both succumbed to the bliss they eagerly sought.

After two weeks of dating, Bragnae already felt this relationship was better than all of the others she had before. She was so happy when she was with Drake, and now that they introduced love making into the mix, Bragnae felt even more connected to him. She wanted nothing more than for his hands to be on her – touching, caressing, even teasing. She craved his soft, ardent lips any second they weren't touching hers. But perhaps most of all, she was addicted to way he felt inside her – firm, hot and determined to bring them both past the brink of ecstasy.

It was only ten o'clock in the morning, and they had already had sex three times since the first time the night before. Bragnae was growing more and more sore from the multiple sensuous rounds of sex with Drake, but she didn't care. Before long, the pleasure would overtake the pain, and she would be reaching euphoria again. If she was ever wondering what it was like to find true happiness, she discovered it with Drake overnight.

Drake switched the water off, and hopped out of the shower grabbing towels for both of them. Bragnae stepped onto the bath rug, and dried her body feeling thoroughly ravaged and content.

"I'm fucking starving. Do you want to get something to eat?" He asked as he toweled off.

"God, yes. I need sustenance. Like now," she replied.

Drake wrapped the towel around his waist, and left the bathroom in search of clothes. Bragnae combed through her hair slowly working out the tangles with the small comb she snuck into her clutch last night. It wasn't ideal, but it did the job. Once the tangles were worked out, Bragnae pulled her wet hair into a bun on top of her head. She was grateful for her over-thinking mind that also thought to pack a make-up removing wipe. She carefully wiped away the residual eye shadow and mascara, and washed her face once more.

Bragnae wished she would've packed her make-up, hair dryer and a change of clothes, but didn't want to risk bringing an overnight bag with her if things didn't go the way they did last night. Drake already saw right through her as she showed him the toothbrush she brought. Plus, she didn't want to jinx herself by assuming they'd spend the night together. Nonetheless, Drake and Bragnae had spent the night together, yet there she stood with wet hair, and only her formal dress from the ball to wear home.

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