Chapter 16: Coming Undone

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Drake took Bragnae's hand, and led her to the bathroom. He turned on the shower, and began unlacing his boots. He stood up, kicking the boots off as he unbuttoned his uniform top. Bragnae stepped up to him undoing his belt before unbuttoning his pants.

Together they stripped him of his worn uniform. Drake reached for the hem of her dress, but she put a hand on his chest as a signal to wait.

"I've already taken my shower," she told him with a smirk.

"Alright, suit yourself," Drake said as he climbed into the tiled stall.

As he went to close the curtain, Bragnae stopped him. "Just because I'm not in the shower, doesn't mean I don't want to watch." She bit her lip, and offered him a seductive smile.

Drake grinned. "Oh, you want a show. Is that it?"

"I would just like to take this time to appreciate one of God's gifts to women."

He chuckled. "You sure know how to boost a man's ego, Bragnae."

She leaned back against the wall opposite the shower, and watched as Drake dipped his head under the hot water, and closed his eyes. Streams of water cascaded down his muscled body washing the stress of the deployment off of him. Drake squirted shampoo in his hand, and worked it into his scalp. He closed his eyes again, and allowed the water to rinse his hair sending countless bubbles sliding down his tanned body.

Before Drake grabbed the body wash, he looked at Bragnae and gave her a wink. She smiled at him as he slowly ran his soapy hands across his chest, and then down to his chiseled abs. Seeing him run his big, strong hands over his wet body sent a shiver down her spine. Her heart raced, and her breathing had increased as his hands traveled south.

"Are you enjoying this, Bragnae?" He asked, staring at her from the side.

She bit her lip as she focused on his big, perfect cock. Nodding, she finally brought her eyes up to meet his. "I am, but I'm also regretting torturing myself this way."

"You can't say I didn't offer for you to join me," he reminded her.

"I know. And I'm a very stupid woman," she admitted, still in a trance as her eyes roamed his glistening body.

Drake kept his eyes on her as he ran his hands over the tops of his thighs, getting closer to the thing she craved the most, but avoiding it at the last second. Her mouth fell open with anticipation as his hands continued to tease around the area. She brought her hands up to clutch the fabric of her dress wanting more of him desperately.

"How're you doing over there?" He asked with a cocky smirk.

"I'm about to fall apart, Drake. Are you about done?" She asked, trembling a little.

"Not quite," he replied, as he resumed taunting her with movements.

Her eyes trained on his lower half again. His beautiful cock was stiffening as his hands finally found it. Bragnae swallowed before clenching her teeth as Drake began to slowly stroke himself.

"Is this what you want, Bragnae?"

She nodded. "Desperately."

Drake suddenly turned off the water, and ran his hands over his head. "Do you think you could hand me that towel?"

After another moment of staring, she shook herself out her reverie, and grabbed the towel for Drake. After handing it to him, she moved back to give him room as he stepped out of the shower to dry off. He patted his face before running the towel down his chest looking at her the whole time with fire in his eyes.

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