Chapter 4: I Put a Spell on You

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"So, do you want to come to the Halloween Party tonight, Kiara?" Bragnae asked, clearing her desk for the weekend.

Before Kiara could respond, Madeleine popped up from behind her desk in the back to interrupt them. "Did you say there's a party tonight? Who's going to be there? Is Liam going?"

Bragnae rolled her eyes. I should have just texted Kiara after work. "Yes, it's a Halloween costume party tonight at the beach. Some of the Marines are hosting it."

"Ooh, count me in. I have the perfect costume to wear too. Text me the exact location and time, would ya? I've gotta run," Madeleine said, brushing past them.

Kiara shook her head, and turned back to Bragnae. "I'd love to go. It sounds like fun. I'll invite Hana and Penelope too."

Just then Bragnae's unit commander walked in their office space. "Everyone, can I have your attention?" He paused waiting for the room to quiet. "I just received word that Sergeants Vancoeur and Abboud are scheduled to return on Wednesday next week. Anyone who wants to welcome them home from their deployment can meet at the airport that day. I'll let you know the times when I find out. As a reminder, for safety reasons, do not post about their arrival on social media until after they've returned home."

Hana and Penelope will be excited about that, I'm sure.

"And it's Friday," the commander continued. "Everyone, please remember to make good choices during your time off. Heed your safety briefings, and call a wingman if you need them. Everyone's dismissed." The commander promptly left the office, and the rest of Bragnae's co-workers resumed their conversations.

"So, I'll see you tonight then? It's at Araha Beach near Camp Foster. The party starts at 1900 hours," she told Kiara as she slung her black back pack over her shoulder.

"See you tonight!" Kiara called out.

An hour later, Bragnae stood in a towel in front of her bedroom closet that was now full of her entire wardrobe thanks to her recent delivery of the rest of her belongings she had in South Carolina. Her damp, black hair laid on her bare shoulders sending a chill down her body as the ceiling fan dispersed cool air in her room. She sighed trying to figure out her outfit for the night.

"Should I go with a cute dress, or do I wear this old Cleopatra costume?" She asked herself. "I wonder if Drake is dressing up."

Bragnae stood there contemplating her choices for another minute. She shrugged and grabbed the short, black Cleopatra-inspired dress to change into. The costume was strapless and had accents of iridescent blue throughout with the iconic golden Egyptian belt to complete the outfit. She blow dried her hair, and straightened it flat after parting it down the middle. She placed a golden headpiece with jewels and the head of a cobra around her head, and slid on two golden arm bracelets in the shape of snakes around each of her biceps.

Bragnae applied smoky-toned colors to her eyelids with highlights of blue and gold before skillfully drawing her eye-liner in a perfect Ancient Egyptian design. Her lips shimmered in the light as she finished covering them with a metallic caramel lip stain. She slipped on a pair of gold sandals and grabbed a small clutch as she headed for the door.

One short cab ride later, Bragnae arrived at the beach. There were several people there already all dressed in various costumes. She heard music blaring in the distance as she scanned the crowd looking for Drake. She took out her phone to check the time when she saw a text message from Drake saying he was running late. Disappointed and suddenly feeling a little awkward being by herself all dressed up, she slowly meandered toward the crowd. I should have come with Kiara. Now, I'm this weird loner who looks like I'm crashing their party.

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