Chapter 22: You're Still the One

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The large cargo plane carrying supplies out of Afghanistan also held two passengers that weren't on any manifest. They had no names for the duration of the twelve hour flight, only that they were a part of the cargo being transported back to California, with a quick stop in Okinawa, of course. A handful of people knew about this flight and the contents of the plane, but its top level secrecy was of grave importance. And everything was riding on that secret being kept.

The plane was loud and cold, but Drake did his best to take naps here and there despite the discomfort. After what he'd been through, the uncomfortable environment of the plane was just a reminder that he was still alive to feel the chill on his skin, and cringe at the noise level that surrounded him. He'd never take something like that for granted again.

They were halfway through the flight, somewhere over China, when Bastien sat in the makeshift seat next to Drake. He held a bulging manila envelope that he proceeded to open.

"I've got you a new military ID," Bastien told him. "I was able to use the picture you had before, but I had to create a new Drake Walker since the Marine Corps had already transferred your profile over to 'Deceased'."

Drake shuddered at the notion of being considered dead. His life had been turned upside down in a matter of days. The bogus claim that he was killed in action had created a ripple effect in ways he hadn't even discovered yet, and it was unsettling. Once he got back to Okinawa, he would start to clean up the mess, but none of that mattered until he found Bragnae. The world and the rest of the bullshit he'd have to deal with would have to wait until he could be with the love of his life again.

Just a few more hours, baby. I'm coming home.

"You'll need the new ID to get on base and what not. Once we're able to reveal that you're still alive, we'll get the Marine Corps to straighten everything out for you," Bastien explained. "And don't you worry. I'll be insisting they compensate you largely for this – in whatever way you want."

"All that matters to me is getting back to Bragnae," he said firmly.

"I understand, Drake. But trust me. Bringing someone back to life through paperwork and everything is going to be a huge headache. You're going to appreciate the compensation that the government will give you. It will help you more than you know."

"Thank you, Bastien. I'm sorry if I'm being an impatient asshole. I'm still trying to process everything." Drake lowered his eyes to his lap, sighing.

"You don't have to apologize for anything. I don't blame you at all for how you've reacted so far. I actually think you've been handling it as well as anyone would considering the factors working against you." Bastien shifted in his seat. "You know your old man would be proud of you, Drake."

Drake looked at him incredulously. "You really think so?"

Bastien scoffed. "Are you kidding? Drake, you're the most sought after sniper in the U.S. military, and you defied all odds by surviving a grueling feat. You never gave up. You're still breathing. And probably most important – you still have that fire burning inside you for more." He tapped Drake on the knee. "There's not many people who are as strong as you are, and still have the courage to get back out there to face your enemies."

Drake smiled briefly considering his words.

"Jackson was just like that," Bastien's gaze floated above him as he recalled his memories. "Did I ever tell you about the day your dad died? I mean, going beyond what the Marine Corps told you and your family."

Drake shook his head. "No, but I'd like to hear it now."

"We were in Iraq, as you know, and we caught a surprise attack from a group of insurgents we thought had moved on from that location. One of the bastards shot me in the leg right when the fight was getting intense," Bastien absentmindedly ran a hand over his thigh as he continued his story.

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