Chapter 14: All We Ever Do Is Say Goodbye

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"But you just got back, Drake," Bragnae said, disappointed.

"I know, sweetheart. But there's a mission they need me for, and it can't wait," Drake told her as sadness filled his eyes.

Bragnae laid her hands flat against his chest, and looked up at him. "When do you have to go?"

Drake rested his hands on her lower back. "Not for a couple of weeks."

"Is it going to be a long one?" She asked, not sure she wanted to know the answer.

"It's going to be like the last one. But there is some good news," he said with hope. "I'll be going to a Marine Corps Base this time, so I'll have access to the internet. We'll be able to chat over video, and email back and forth."

Bragnae smiled. "That's a relief. Knowing I can talk to you and see you makes me feel so much better."

"Me too. But let's not let this ruin our night. The New Year just begun, and I want to start it off right." A playful smirk spread across his face.

Bragnae's hands roamed up to his broad shoulders before clinging to the back of his neck. "What did you have in mind?"

Drake leaned in to kiss her sweetly. "Why don't we go back to my place, and I'll show you."


Drake sat at a conference table listening to a fellow Marine brief him and a few others about the mission he would soon embark upon.

"Your target is the Ace of Spades, otherwise known as Mohammed Abdalla," the junior Marine reported. "It's been confirmed that he's killed several U.S. troops and allied forces, with his preference being military officers and other high ranking officials."

Drake studied the television screen as the Marine continued through his slides.

"We've determined the Ace of Spades has a known pattern of sniping three-to-five officers before he moves onto another location," the Marine went on. "Based on his prior movements and current location, we believe he'll be within 200 miles of Camp Leatherneck in the Helmand Province. When you get down range, the guys on the ground will be able to give you more up to date information of his current whereabouts, and other important facts for the mission."

As the Marine clicked to his next slide, the face of a murderous man filled the screen. His eyes were dark, matching his hair. Drake memorized every feature on his face, especially the scar slashing through his right eyebrow. This was the man Drake would have to hunt, locate, and kill. The Ace of Spades was an apparent expert sniper, but Drake was better, and he knew he'd be the one to complete the mission.

"You up to the task, Sergeant Walker?" A colonel across the table asked him.

Drake straightened his posture. "Yes, sir."

"Good to hear, Sergeant. I want to get this son of a bitch, and I know you're the man for the job," the colonel praised.

"Thank you, sir."

"Get your affairs in order, Sergeant. I'll see you in a few days to send you off," the colonel told him as he stood up.

Drake and everyone else rose out of their seats as well, and stood at attention until the colonel left the room. Drake gathered his things, left the conference room, and headed to Liam's office. When he got there, Drake knocked on the open door.

"Hey, you got a second?" Drake asked.

"Of course. Come on in, Drake," Liam replied.

Drake walked in and took a seat opposite Liam.

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