Chapter 2: A Kiss to Build a Dream On

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Bragnae smiled at the sound of Drake's voice on the other end of the line. It had only been an hour since they left the Pink Elephant, and Drake was already making good on his intention to call her. This was highly unprecedented, at least for Bragnae and the guys she dated in the past. Usually there was a calculated strategy they concocted as to when to call her after first meeting, or the first date. It was incredibly infuriating to Bragnae to play these games. People without any real commitment or desire for a meaningful connection would waste time this way, and she had no patience for that. Bragnae's time was worth more to her than spending it on someone who didn't know what they wanted. But Drake was different. Bragnae not only felt an immediate connection with him at the bar, but it was apparent that he did too.

"Hi, Drake," she said trying to contain her excitement.

"I'm sorry to call so late, but I just didn't feel like we got enough time to really talk tonight," Drake began. "With all the interruptions by our friends, and the damn curfew, it felt a bit incomplete."

"Yeah, I agree," Bragnae replied.

"I'd really like to get to know you better," he said confidently.

"I feel the same way," she responded.

"If you're free tomorrow night, I'd like to take you out to dinner. I know a great sushi place in between our bases... if you like sushi, that is. It's called Sakura Sushi. Have you been there before?" Drake asked.

"Well, I actually arrived on the island two days ago, so I haven't really been anywhere off base except for the airport and the Pink Elephant," she explained.

"Oh... I didn't realize you just got here. Well, all the more reason to try this place out. I'd love to introduce you to the area a bit, if you'd like," Drake said with hope in his voice.

Bragnae's smile grew even wider. "I'd love to join you for dinner tomorrow night, Drake. And I love sushi, by the way."

Drake let out what sounded like a relieved chuckle on the other end before he spoke. "That's great. I was thinking we could meet there at 1800 hours if that works for you."

"Of course, I'm looking forward to it. Thank you for the invitation, Drake," she said, while twirling a piece of her hair.

"Thanks for accepting it. I'll see you tomorrow... Goodnight, Bragnae."

"Goodnight, Drake."

Bragnae ended the call, and held the phone to her chest as she laid back in her bed. She stared up at the ceiling still with a smile plastered on her face. A dinner date with Drake. Yes. Thoughts of him flooded her mind as she dreamt of what their first date would be like. Oh my God. What am I going to wear? Bragnae shot out of bed, too excited to sleep, and started rummaging through her closet.

"Definitely heels," she said pulling out a black pair with a strap around the ankle. "Should I go with a dress, or jeans?"

Bragnae spent the next thirty minutes trying on various outfits creating a small mess in her room as she stripped and flung each outfit on the floor and bed. Finally, she was certain she found the perfect garment for her first date with Drake. It was a solid red, wrap dress whose V-neck displayed only a little bit of her cleavage. The dress also had a bit a slit running up her thigh, but wasn't too revealing. She picked out a silver necklace to go with it, and laid it on her nightstand. Satisfied with her selections, she crawled back into bed, and closed her eyes hoping to fall asleep despite her eagerness for tomorrow to come. After forty-five minutes of no success, Bragnae opened a Sleep app on her phone, selected ocean waves and calming music, set a timer and nestled herself back into bed. Soon, she drifted off to sleep.

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