Chapter 17: The Night We Met

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Bragnae woke up on a Sunday morning to an empty space beside her. She ran her hand over the spot where Drake had laid. A faint, sweet and familiar smell wafted in the air. Bragnae sat up, and rubbed her eyes as she adjusted to being awake.

She got out of bed, throwing a purple, silk robe over her naked body, and headed for the bathroom to complete her morning routine. When she was finished, she walked out of her bedroom and into the kitchen where she saw Drake standing over the stove wearing only a pair of athletic shorts.

Bragnae slowly walked up behind him and slinked her arms around his torso. Drake instinctively put a hand over hers before turning to look at her over his shoulder.

"Mornin', beautiful." He smiled.

"Good morning, handsome. Whatcha doing?"

Drake turned his attention back to the stove. "Just whipping up some pancakes for us."

"It smells wonderful," she told him as she kissed his sculpted back, and ran her hands across his abs. Bragnae pressed her cheek against his back, and held him tightly as he continued to cook. "Is this what it's going to be like when we're married?"

"What? Me cooking breakfast for you on a Sunday morning?" He asked throwing another look over his shoulder.

"Well, I don't mind lending a hand to help too," she said, letting her right hand slip below the waistband of his shorts, and gently rubbing her palm against his cock.

Bragnae felt Drake lean lightly against her with his head tilted back as her touch prompted a low groan from his throat. She wrapped her delicate fingers around his shaft, and began stroking him slowly. He encased her other hand with his against his chest – momentarily forgetting the freshly poured pancake batter on the pan.

It wasn't long before his cock stiffened in her hand – Bragnae persisted with her task.

"Be careful not to burn those, Chef Drake," she playfully reminded him, placing more sweet kisses on his back.

She felt him jerk his body slightly to pay attention to the stove. Bragnae peeked around him to see the pancakes bubbling up before he flipped it. They were a perfect golden, brown.

"Ooh, you're good," she praised.

"Not bad, huh? It's not easy with you as a distraction, though. I better be careful, or I'm going to end up burning this place down."

"Nah, you're good. I've got your back, and your front." She giggled, pulling her tightened hand over the length of him.

Drake flipped the remaining pancakes from the pan onto a plate before tossing the spatula aside, and turning off the stove. He carefully removed her hand from inside his pants, and turned around abruptly to face her.

"Come here, you," he said, hoisting her up and over to the countertop where she sat opening her legs so he could fit between them.

His mouth connected with hers in an instant with an ardent kiss. After a long moment, his lips softened against hers as he pulled away. Drake's hands rested on her toned thighs with his eyes raking over her body.

"You're a bit overdressed for breakfast." He smirked as he untied her robe, and slid it offer her shoulders.

Bragnae tugged at the waistband of his shorts drawing him in closer. "So are you. Lose the shorts."

"I will, but first," he began as he reached for the syrup bottle. "You need to try this." Drake poured some syrup on the side of the plate, and ripped a piece of the pancake away from its circular form. He dipped the pancake into the sugary liquid, and brought it to her mouth.

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