Chapter 5: I Don't Wanna Miss a Thing

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Sun beams penetrated through the window stirring Bragnae awake

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Sun beams penetrated through the window stirring Bragnae awake. She slowly opened her eyes and felt Drake's arm slung across her waist. She smiled to herself remembering last night. Drake stayed over just to lie next to her all evening. Although she was eager to have sex with him last night, it was nice that they just cuddled instead.

It was one of the better nights of sleep Bragnae had in a while, which was odd because she was still in her Cleopatra costume, and never took off her make-up. They had fallen asleep on top of her covers, but sometime in the middle of the night Drake must have covered them with the blanket she had at the foot of the bed. She heard Drake's slow breathing behind her. He's still sleeping. Trying not to disturb him, Bragnae carefully slid out from under his arm, and walked toward the bathroom.


As Bragnae left the bed, Drake woke up. As his vision became clearer through his sleepy eyes, he watched her straighten her dress, and step lightly to the bathroom. Drake grinned laying his hand on the spot she laid feeling the warmth her body left behind. It felt nice to hold Bragnae all night. He didn't think he'd be sleeping over, but it was what she needed. To be honest, it was what he needed as well. He stretched his body before sitting up. Drake retrieved his phone out of his pocket to see a text from Maxwell.

[Maxwell: Goooood morning! We're meeting Leo and Liam tonight for dinner in the American Village at 1800.]

[Drake: Sounds good. See you then.]

After he responded, Drake put his phone away and stood up just as Bragnae quietly emerged from the bathroom. She had changed into a t-shirt and yoga pants, and put her hair up in a loose bun. Drake noticed she changed up her make up as well.

"Mornin'," he said with a grin.

Bragnae smiled at him. "Good morning to you. I left a spare toothbrush on the sink if you want it."

"That's great, thanks." Drake replied. He touched her arm as he brushed past her on the way to the bathroom.

After completing his morning routine and feeling fully awake, he joined Bragnae again. She handed him a bottle of water. He took a drink then sat it down to pull her into an embrace. She laid her head against his chest and locked her arms around his waist as they stood there for a long moment holding each other. Drake loved how she felt against him. He loved the fresh coconut smell of her hair, and the sweet fragrance of her perfume. I could stay like this all day.

Bragnae pulled back and tilted her head back to look up at him with a soft smile on her face. Her full lips called to him. Drake met her lips instantly feeling a surge of warmth fill his body. After another moment, Bragnae drew back.

"Last night was really nice. Thank you for staying with me." Bragnae told him.

"You're welcome. I enjoyed it too." Drake brushed his lips against hers once more.

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