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"Hey,how's your flight? Are you  there already?Surely you feel exhausted now,How's the country?is it too cold there? Where are you now?are you in the hotel? Maybe we can video  call or something? "I just chuckled because of her bunch of question to me.

"So much question woman,
Don't stress yourself to much about me."i just laugh a little .

"Ksksks.  Just answer my damn question . you know I'm always worried about you these is the first time your out of the country alone and im not there  with you,I miss you already I'm kinda feel lonely that your not here I'm used to you here beside me all the time ,that stupid works of yours. seems like it's my new rival  now"i can sense she's pouting right now i just chuckle because of her Childness. cute.

"Awwwee my girlfriend miss me already ,even if it's just an hours since we separate for each other"i laugh at her I just couldn't contain my laughter because she's so frecken  cute.

"Godammit manoban don't you dare tease me I swear once you back in here you'll be receiving a bunch of punch over your face"she yell I just laugh out more.

"Well I prefer your bunch of moans rather than that,"I said playfully if she's here in front of me now for sure ill give her a cocky wink.

"Ghod,stop it lisa,you perv!"she said sounds like annoyed but I know her better .I know she like it when I am being like this to her.

"Why,didn't you like it? When you know....Mmm  what I mean" I said flirting to her.

"Oh I am telling you lalisa stop it!"she hissed

"Owwwoo I'm scared"i acting like a shit scared at her even tho is just enjoying it

"You motherfucker!"

"Uh-oh I guess  chipmunk is really mad already, I think I gotta serious now"i said after laughing.

"You better be!"i know she's pouting again  while crossing  her arms and rolling her eyes like a 5 year old kid now."you better finish that work already so that you can back here and cuddle with me"she finish her sentence.

"You missed me that much huh? "I chuckle " don't worry babe 2 weeks is too fast to handle your hormones "I laugh again.

"I'm fuckin serious here manoban!and just  answer my question earlier."she yell at the other line causing me to distance my ear a little to the phone Gezz these woman seems wants  to break my eardrums.

"Gezzz Okey okey I got it I know your pissed off  right now haha ,and to  answer your bunch of questions yes I'm already here in the hotel,the country seems  has a good weather now  outside is snowing already its a little bit freezing if you only here it'll less cold ," I chuckle knowing her she already know what i am talking about Ghod I missed her already "and to tell you the country  is pretty  beautiful even though I can't enjoy the view to see the places you know the snow.i mean there's a lot of thick of snow outside but actually i kinda like it here, it's feels so right to be here,and yes we can video call of course even If I'm pretty exhausted because of the flight.but before that I take a shower first.hang up a bit I just take a shower and ill call you back okey? I love you "

"Okey call me back when your done gonna cook  something to eat for dinner and then we can talk trough phone ,I love you too babe bye."she then hang up the phone.

That chipmunk really is obsessed of foods I think her bestfriend is wonder her cheeks is looks like a chipmunk hahah full of fats because of foods seems like all the calories what she eats goes all to her cheeks it's so fat. I like to pinch it every time .

Well that's park chaeyoung my girlfriend  she's my best friend back then in college then turn out to be my girlfriend in less than 2 years now.i actually don't have any idea that we end up together .I mean  she has a lovely personality,a beautiful and intelligent woman  that captures everyboys hearts.but shes like a bestfriend for me that time.well i think the feelings could develop though i mean who wouldnt fall for her? Shes almost perfect after all.
she's the first one to admit her feelings to as a dumbfounded lisa i dont know what i reacted of her confession but she assured me that nothing to worry and shes welling to wait me untill i can feel the same way towards  her.she said if only i can let her to make me feel her love for me, so I did. and time goes by my feelings develop for her although i know its not that strong feelings I feel to her but  i grab the opportunity to court her.i like her and I know it's develop more into deep feeling I know. So yeah I court her  of course she's so happy and I'm happy that she's happy to . I mean being chaeyoung who almost perfect to herself  I'm  so lucky to have her.I court her even tho I'm not so sure about my feelings towards her that time but now he'll yeah we're still working so hard for these relationship to work  and now all I can say is  I love that girl with all my heart.

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