chapter 8(M)

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Lisa's POV.

I feel myself getting hot all of a sudden a tiny groan escape my throat when suddenly I can feel my little junior down there being taking care of.

I can feel something sucking it or rather some one

The slurping sound filled my roam I frown while my eyes still close.

Oh god

This heavenly feeling.

Arghhh shet fuck yeah right there right there.

"You want this babe? "

Yeah fuck your so good at this swallow it deep into your mouth!

"Looks like your really enjoying this "

Wait what?

And that's the time my eyes snapped open wide and the sight of jennie from the corner of my two legs hair disheveled and my baby maker inside her mouth toying it like a child who's thirsty for lollipop.

Oh god the sight is so sexy as fuck.

And my eyes darted to the ceiling my mouth hung open and a moan escape my mouth again when she deep down my cock so deep into her throat and play my balls like a pro.

Oh crap! I'm so screwed.

She continue to gagged my cock into her slurpy mouth.

This is the first time a girl doing me a blow job chaeyoung never been a fan of doing this stuff when we were doing sex one time she said that doing it really disgusting so we never try chaeyoung is too innocent from doing this so I never been felt this so good until now that this girl to be happened the next heir of the kim's company who I've been dying to get is licking my duck like pro in my bed on they're own hotel how Ironic is that.

"fuck!! Arghh " I moan loudly when I felt myself near the edge.

She fasten the pace of her head up and down and the next thing I know I couldn't hold it anymore and burst it inside of her mouth my cum dripping into her mouth and she has a sexy smirk plastered on her pretty face she lock her lips in the most sensual way.

"You taste the way I like it so sweet and intense flavour."her husky voice makes my duck switch again like a spring.

She look down on it and look back in my eyes with lustful eyes she bite her buttom lip and straddle on top of me.

"Oh someone gets angry again? "She ask and gently stroke my Hard dick again.

" you want me to take care this of aren't you?"she said .

I felt lifeless with her skillful hands stroking me gently making me groan in pleasure.

"Arghhh fuck yeah!" I curse.

She giggled cutely
"You're wish is my command "and she position her intrance on the tip of my cock and I've seen it into my sinful eyes my cock slowly swallowed her pussy and when it's fully inside her we both moaned.

"Your so big I can't get enough about this - ah "she said then started to bounce up and down the siggt infront of me is perfect her two big tits bouncing like a ball infront of me so suck it when she fast the pace of boincing my cock into her pussy diving so deep into her core.

"This position much better than I thought your cock is so deep withen me!"she whine and cried out because of pleasure while still bouncing and gripping my hair tightly I just hummed in response still eating her nipple.

"Fuck keep doing that shet baby ughh ahh"she whine like a horn slut and bounce up and down harshly
"so fucking big that I dream it all nights!fuck so fucking thick so hard and fucking long that can perfectly stretch my pussy! " she said and I can feel her walls suck my cock inside of her. It's getting slurping each bounce of hers .

"Your so tight jennie still so fucking tight ughh come to me come!"

"I'm cumming!lisa shet ughh!I'm c-cumingg!!"and that's when we both explode into ecstasy.

She laid on top of me helplessly.
And we did it again and again until we don't have a single cum left.

A/N:whoahh can't imagine I'm writing this😂 to be honest with you guys im contemplating to continue thos stroy or just delete this but some of you keep requesting the next chapter so I decided to continue this so still slow updates . Please forgive for what I've sinned

And wow thank you so muchhh for supporting my first work and it's really flutter my heart for you wonderful support its 31k reads guys!and its all because of you thank you very much.

Mahal ko kayooo%_%

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