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I woke  up from the deep slumber when my phone suddenly rang!


My annoying ringtone echo into the room that give me a pang into my aching head arghh my head fucking hurts I reach my phone that weirdly place into the small table I didn't remember I place it here Las night   ipress the decline call.

I unconsciously groan because of something heavy in my chest but I ignore it and shifted into my other side I still want to sleep I buried my side face to MY pellow  and the unfamiliar vanilla scent filled into my nose thrills...

My pellow...




I'm not using any shampoo of vanilla   flavour--

Oh shit!

My eyes automatically shut open of the realisation hit  me and .

and I realise I don't have any cloths wearing at these moment and I can feel my center slightly sore.


I roam my eyes into the room.

This is not my ROOM!.

The room is very big neat and clean the furnatures  is all expensive the small sofa in the corner of the room perfectly arrange facing the big TV of it.

It's like a luxurious hotel.

Oh hotel!

I'm here at our hotel but I'm sure as he'll these is not my hotel room where am I ? Am I with that stranger last night in the club?

Omy  ghod!did I slept with those horny drunken ediot in the bar? ..

These can't bee.

But.i remember last night going here alone and because of the alcohol effect my vision is blurry and snuggles to punch the pincode of my hotel room and the door opens and....and...

Oh my fucking drinking ass! 

Did I got myself  wrong room last night?..

And the memories of last night flashback in my head.

Omg!  We did it with a girl!

A fucking girl!with a dick!

Well a beautiful and hot girl though.

But I'm not gays for petes sake!

Arghh. .. my head hurts so much I felt dizzy I held my head into my two palms.

I have to leave here right away before that dork going back here.

But before I even move I hear the bathroom door crick open  revealing the angel I saw last night  wearing only sport bra and towel wrapping on her waist revealing her stunned abs. .

I can feel  my mouth water.

She so frecken hot!

Ohmyghod I can't believe I slept these beautiful yet handsome girl in front of me.

"Your awake" she said then our eyes met each other.

I got mesmerise of her brown round orbs eyes of hers she has a cold aura but she has a overflowing sec appeal the way she move.

HER TOUCH! (Jenlisa G!P)Where stories live. Discover now