chapter 11

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Lisa's POV.

I'm beyond pissed yet  frustrated to myself.

Why do I can't control myself when I'm with her she has an effect on me and it's scared the hell out  of me I have a girlfriend for petes sake and im cheating on her.

Oh god I'm cheating on her .

And yet I can't seem to stop myself from repeating the same mistake.

Am I out of my mind?


I must put myself back together .
I must distance  myself  from jennie and cut whatever  going on between  us.

And here I am standing  dumbfounded  with  my girlfriend  hugging me tightly.

I can't feel  my  limbs  and my breath get ragged.

"Oh baby I miss you so much . I miss your smell hmm." She mumbled burying her face into the crook of my neck  placing small  feathery  kissed into my  jaw.

I gulp  feeling  like I've been caught.

I  slowly hug her back  and suddenly I realise how I miss her .

Her warmth  and smell.

Oh god I miss her.

I broke   the hug first and stared at her.

"Babe w-what are you doing here? I didn't expect you to come here " I chuckle  nervously.

She narrow her eyes at me as if reading my facial expression.she scoff and  her facial expression change.

"Why?  Didn't you miss me? Are you not happy to see me ?" She ask.

I chuckle because I miss her chipmunk cheeks get  red whenever she's mad .

I reach out into her and hug her waist.

"Of course not. I miss  you  babe you know that  I'm just surprise to see you here that's all." I said and kiss her nose her expression soften  and she clung her arms into my neck and smile at me.

" good. I thought  you font happy to see me. Because I'm dying to see you baby and I can't take it anymore I'm worried  you didn't  answer my calls nor my text and  I don't know what to do so I decided to flew here to surprise you,well surprise I guess? " she cheekily  smile at me that made  me smile genuinely too.

"Oh  how I miss this adorable chipmunk of mine.youre so cheesy you know that? " I teased  her she just rolled her eyes and jokingly slap my arm.

" and you love me. "She stuck her tongue out at me I just laugh at her childness.

"Yeah do I have a choice? " I tease her  she slap My arm again this time harder.

"Yah! "

"Ouch  that was hard I forgot I have  a brutal girlfriend  here. "I laugh at her.

She just pout and clung more into me she bite her lip and was about to kiss me when I remember what happened in the bathroom earlier .We make out there and I don't want  rosè to kiss me when I kiss other girl minutes ago.

I  push her lips  with my forefinger  gently  .

"Uhuh.not here park  there's so many people  around here kiss me when we're already in my hotel room arraso? " I said. She just pout at me  and step back from me to cross her arms.

" you owe me big time manoban. So can you please escorts me to your hotel  so that I can kiss you alreadg? " she ask.

"Now who's being excited now huh?  just tell me you've been dying to taste my lips already. Didn't know that my girlfriend  addicted  to me tho. " I said and  hold her hand before she can outer a word   and get her baggage  with my free hands   we walk hand in hand to the elevator. We step into the elevator and i click the floor where my room is. She was smiling while clinging into me But my breath  hitch when  the elevator was about to close not until a girl step inside the elevator.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2020 ⏰

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