chapter 10

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"my god jennie! What are you doing?!" Lisa shouted with a  frustrated face  she is fuming right now and to tell you honestly Im enjoy of what I see on her face . cause I know she's mad to her self because she can't resist  me.

"What? I didn't do anything." I innocently  said.
Before  a smirk  spread on my face  .

"You didn't do anything?!Are you bullshiting me?!" She yell  and I just giggle because I must be crazy but when she's  angry like this its kinda hot for me.

I  walk  closer to her and she just back away
"Dont.jennie just please lets be professional here like an adult.please I need to make this deal work.  I've been dying to reach your dad because of this, and I can't let  go this opportunity to work this deal.just cooperate with me  please jennie" she said in a calmer tone.

Yeah well what happened earlier is really fun to me  though  we're in a meeting with my dad for my  training with lisa and I can't even concentrate  to listen every bit of what she was saying because I'm too engross of my undeniably attraction towards this woman it's like she's a magnet and I'm a steal, I can't  stop myself for touching her so I lifted my feet  with my high heels  underneath the table and reach her  croach  I sensually   rubbed it into her bulge and she just stiffen while I play innocent  and just look at her reaction my smirk wider when our  eyes met and there's instantly lust linger on her eyes   and when my dad ask if she's Okey she startled and her fork landed on the marble floor  I think she's nervous and arous because of what I am doing she excuse herself going to the bathroom and I automatically excuse myself too to follow her .and   maybe  I did  a little naughty things to her that's why we ended here in the bathroom  am i? 

I jist chuckle and walk into her thus time she didn't back away i encircle  my arms into her neck and look at her in the eyes.

"Okey,I'm sorry it's just I can't stop myself from touching you ,you know you driving me insane and I just can't stop   thinking of how it  would feel when you bent me there on the table in front of my father and fuck me hard and i scream your name because of pleasure  until we're going limp of so much fucking I can't stop  the tingling sensation down there  and it's driving me knots. can't helps- " I didn't  finish of what I am saying when her lips  devour mine instantly  I whimper when  our tongues collide  and the sound of smacking our lips together drowning into the deep kiss  is echoing in these small  space of the bathroom  I wrapped my  legs into her torso and she carry me with her strong arms and place me into the sink while we continue our heated kiss.

I can feel  my wetness coating into my panty already and her  bulge inside her khaki pants is  poking my mound  I rubb myself  into her  bulge  trying to be close more to her  I lock my arms into here neck and her hands into my waist holding me tighten.

I want her here. Now!

I was about to  deepen our kiss when she  part her lips away from mine  a frustrated  whimper leave in my mouth  because of the lost of contact.

"You're fuckin insane you know that? " she said breathlessly  I open my eyes and  stared into her deep brown eyes  and then to her swallowen  lips.

"You made me  this lisa and I can't stop myself from wanting you over and over again." I  said to her  almost a whisper  her strawberry  taste in my mouth  comes from the juice she drink earlier is lingering into my mouth  and suddenly my mouth water to  taste her lips  and devour
Every corner of her mouth.

I wanted to kissed her again deeply .

Oh god I'm addicted.

I'm addicted to her.

I was about to kiss her again when suddenly the door open  we instantly  pulled each other and fixed our selves.

Two girls  walk inside and we  awkwardly stand there contimplating what the next thing to do  .

"Ermm. I'm going first then you follow in a minutes " she said not looking in my eye  and  automatically dash  outside the bathroom a frustrated groan  slip into my mouth  and I  stare into the two girls who's talking nonstop  applying make up facing the mirror not minding me I just roll my eyes at them and  walk outside  the bathroom.

That's  when I suddenly  stop  my tracks of what I  was seeing right now.

With a girl  wrapping   arms with her neck engulfing her into a hug  and  I can see lisa is too shock to respond  like I am.

Who is this girl?!

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