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'No! please kai.please tell me all of these is not true.these isn't true right? Your not even going   to do such a thing like these. You can't cheat on me!Right? "I pleaded to him tears streaming on my cheeks. While  gripping her hand.

He just look at me with guilt and sympathy. .

And I hate it.

"I'm sorry jennie. What you just see is. ..true I love her.we need to end this." he hesitate   trying to  out of my grip on her hand. But I didn't let him I just stiffen and I feel my world spinning.

I can't believe it kai is one of the loveliest and honest person I've known .

I can't believe he just cheated on me  .

Anger build inside of me .I want to scream at hes face I want to punch him  I want to break hes heart like he break mine.

But my love for him is more than  my anger.

I can't loose him he's the only person  who understand me.even he doesn't love me.i need him .

" please kai.we were suppose to get married right? You propo me! " I shouted desperate.

"I don't love just using you to make her jealous .im being force by youe father to propose you.thats not what i want jennie .i still love her sorry let's end this. " she  scoff my hands away into hes hands.and more tears streaming into my eyes.

"No! " I exclaimed.

"Good bye jennie.."

And he  leave me alone in a cold night street alone .

Lonely again.


Feeling Unlovable.

I stumbled into the ground and  sobbed and sobbed .

That's when I open my eyes abruptly and the sight of familiar ceiling  made me realise it's just a dream.

I let out a big breath and  gulp my own saliva  quizzing my eyes tightly before I open my eyes again.

I can literally feel the thumping sound inside of my chest I swipe my forehead to realise I am sweating like I've been jogging in these morning.

I dream him again.

"Hey you okey? " a  angelic voice  come of nowhere and I instantly look at the way the  voice  came.

It's Lisa she's beside me seating already her naked sexy back is facing to me  while she glance at me sideways.

"Hey." That's the only word I can utter after our hot sex escaped last night flooding into my memories .suddenly I already forget my nightmare awhile ago.

I sit myself into the bed pulling the blanket to cover my naked body.

I look at Lisa again and I know her face vulnerable right now her one hand gripping into her  messy hair her body is so tense making the all of her  back muscle visible.

She has her phone on her other hand beeping again and again. shes been looking at it for awhile like she's been contemplating wither she  will answer the call or not  she didn't spare me a glance she's been ashame of what we did last night.

Last night was a incredibly  wonderful  sexiest wildest sex I've even imagine.

I like how rough and gentle she is with me last night I wonder is she also  feeling about what happened last night like what I am feeling right now?  I would never know.

The silence makes it more awkward. So I am the one who break the silence between us by clearing my throat before saying any words.

"A-arhm I think you should answer that" I said my voice is shaking at the same time groggy.

She didn't said anything not like she didn't hear me.

"I uh. .I should probably go-" but when I was about to  stand from the bed her voice makes me stop.

"No. Stay" then she look at me in the eye.

And I swear the moment our eyes lock I connot even move my body.

Her eyes is full of guilt and ashamed. But there is something glow about her eyes that visible on her orbs.

Likes she's telling me. She doesn't regret anything happened last night between us.

"O..key" I said seating again her bed. Her smell is still lingering on my whole body  and I can't believe I'm loving her scent on my body.

"Lay back .." she command me  not in a way of a bossy. Her voice is more soft  and pleading.

So I do what she told.

I lay back into the bed and not so long I feel the weight of the bed shift beside me and I only realise now she wants to cuddle with me .

I feel her warn body pressed against mine and her long arm drop into my waist she intangled our legs together her head snuggle into the crook of my neck .

"I these moment your Jennie and I'm Lisa. Just us" she said then melted in my arms

Shiver run into my body down to my still aching pussy for her  when her hot breath tickle my neck and her erecting press against me.

But I didn't do a move that can ruin these moment.

I find myself doing  opposite  I hug her to and pull her closer to me and I close my eyes as I feel myself again exhausted.

HER TOUCH! (Jenlisa G!P)Where stories live. Discover now