Chap 3(deal)

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what a coincidence really! I am facing here right now the girl who kept bugging my mind since then that night.

She's so fucking gorgeous in her black toxido her prominent bangs is so perfect ..

I look at her intensely the way she  tap her finger into her thighs she's biting her lips and  minute by minute she crunch her nose like a kid the way her eyebrow forrowed when she do that it's so cute for me. I know she's nervous right now because she think she's in to trouble .

Well I think I'm loving my father more now  for inviting me for these meeting

They talk some more business I know Lisa is still nervous because of my presence I just stare at her while smiling not minding my father beside me .

"So let's began these presentation shall we?"Lisa formally said.

She's far away compared when I first met her. on that night she look like a innocent daring and hot simple gorgeous on her boxer and sport bra on that time when  now  the Lisa manoban infront of me is more than piercing neat and formal  although shes looking good  and hot on her black woman tuxedo you know.

"You have 20 minutes to discuss all you need ms.manoban go on ." My father take a pick of he's watch and gesture  her to began .

I only realise now how formal and motivating Lisa when it comes to work there's no single nervousness you can see her face her aura is full of Confidence and inttelegense.

Confident check.✅

Inttelegent check.✅

Hotness check.✅

Aesthetic face check.✅

Charismatic check.✅

Oh how perfect these woman is .I giggled because of the thought.

"Is anything wrong " Lisa interrupt her discussion and ask me with forrowed brows.

"Oh nothing.just  proceed you discussion please."I said gesturing her to continue .

"So...ah I was just thinking that we can collaborate of these big project Mr. Kim and both of us will get the benifit and we can big expandation of our business not just  through out  the Asia but maybe for the whole Europe too.what do you think? " Lisa. Finish her statement and all of the rest of the talk is I don't really give a damn 

I just stared at her intensely.

Her full plump lips while she's talking or saying something to my father is so inviting it make me feel giddy and i just want to smash my lips into her again to devour her taste again I've longing for. her eyes is so mesmerising the way her pupil shown whenever she look at my father with amusement.the way she crunch up her cute little nose when she feel uncomfortable or frustrated.

'Definitely ,definition of a perfectly imperfect.'

"So jennie what do you think?"I snap out of my thoughts when dad ask me  I just blink my eyes and look at him the two of them looking at me.

"I..uh...pardon? " I stutter
what the fuck?

"I'm asking your suggestion about her presentation dear. Do you even listening to her? Cause it seems like you mesmerised so much just looking at her face entire time. "My father said with a playful tone  I know he's just teasing me I rolled my eyes at him.

"I'm afraid I'm not really quite listening to her discussion if it's okey may you repeat what you just manoban? " I smirk directly looking at the handsome woman infront of me. She just arch her brows at me .

"No intention to be rude is it really necessarily to repeat myself just for you?" There's sarcasm on her voice while intently looking at me.

A wide grin flustered on my pretty face." When you see your clients here is my father and I am the daughter of your clients so definitely it is necessary ms.manoban unless you don't want to close these deal I can suggest my father in that issue though."

She look at me with intense glare almost burning me into the pit of fire in he'll I laugh mentally because of look of her face.its so  ridiculous.

Oh these woman.

"I agree ms.manoban I invite my daughter her to help me with these deal so you must treat her like you treat me."my father seconded and a look of smug on my face make her face irretating.

"Of course Mr. Kim I apologise of my behaviour so shall we discuss our business Again"she mock me and impasize the word again.

I just smiled at her and wink she rolled her eyes and proceed to her presentation.

And  that she  discuss again about the business. To tell you the truth I have none knowledge about business at all I don't even know why is dad called me to attend these meeting  when he already knew I don't  have interest in business at all.though I don't regret to attend these meeting because I get to see the woman who keep bugging me these past  week again.

Shes talking to my father now. she's uttering  a words directly looking at my father her face seems uncomfortable while talking to my father but I can't even care what they're topic I'm too focus on her face her lips  but i cant even heared them i notice her fingers playing with the other finger of her I think it's a kind of habit.  still I'm still in awe to her while seductively looking at her I remember those fingers carassing my skin those perfect long fingers of her a ghood it makes me instant wet.

"So what do you think jennie? " my dad wake me from my day dreaming when he ask me.

"Well good...y-yeahh excellent manoban"i awkwardly said diverting my gaze back and fort with my dad and her. clapping awkwardly because honestly I didn't even understand whatever her presentation is.

She just give me a -are -you-serious-look- and I can clearly see my father's face the same as her with questioning look.

"Are you saying your okey with what I just said? "My dad ask me there's amusement on he's handsome face.

"Oh yeah-"

He cut me of.

"Then it settled . its nice working you ms. Manoban please take care my daughter please train her very well "

"Wait...what are you saying  dad? Take care of me  .What are you talking about? "I ask him he just smerk at me.

"I thought you listen of what we're talking my daughter "

"Y-yeah but I don't understand-"

"Then everything is okey then. Ms.manoban here I offering her to be your personal trainer for you to be able to know how you could handle bussiness indutries..soon your going to be my heirs so if she train you very well ill accept her offer."

"Wait what? A trainer? She ? She will going to be my-" I didn't even finish my words she cut me off again.

"Yes.jennie  shes going to help you for her remaining weeks here in Finland " he smiled I don't know but there's a meaning on that smile I know my father very well he likes to play on her own hands.

"Yes Mr. Kim ill do my best to teach your daughter " lisa said bowing 90° to my father my father just nod and walk outside of the restaurant before I followed him I face lisa one last time.

"See you again my teacher " i said to Ms. Manoban she just give me a tight smile. Or we can say fake smile.then she rolled her eyes

"Please just forget what happened  to us the other night i cant lose these dea---" i cut her of placing my fingers on her lips.
I move close to her face .I gave her a a seductive stare.

"Don't worry I'm a good girl ms.manoban just be a good boy to me too"i bit my lips seductively I saw her gulp I smerk at her and walk away leaving her gawking.

'Get ready to be fuck  ms.manoban'

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