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I wake up because of the soothing fingers touching my cheek I smiled at the thought of my girlfriend oh god how I miss her  touch I grip her  wrist and open my eyes.

But when the view of mandu cheeks and feline cat like eyes comes clearer I immediately jump from my bed into the cold ground.

"What the fuck? What are you doing here?!" I almost shouted. She just chuckled sexyly  and bite her lip while looking at my lower part I automatically covered my bulge into my two hands.

"Well good morning to you too" she bit her lip

"Stop looking.and what the he'll are you doing in my apartment? How did you get here? " I ask irritatedly. And pulled the blanket and covered my self.

I'm only wearing my boxer and  sports bra. For god sake.

"Well I guessed my luck you didn't lock the door so that's why I make myself feel at home." She said while standing and walk closer to me.

"And besides I came because I'm bored." She pouted before she continue ."so I decided to come here to tell you that maybe we can start for my business lesson shall we? "

The view of her sexy fitted green dress that hug her petite body perfectly comes in to the view.

I gulp when  a little cleavage  comes into the view her perfect collarbone is is so sexy that I just wanted to suck it and leave a mark on i-- oh god what are you thinking Lisa? Keep yourself together.

What the fuck is she wearing? Is she seducing me?  Well I'll tell you it's working. I need her stop these bullshit.

"Stop . don't come near me" i said as if shes some kind of killer who want to attack me.

"Why ms. manoban are you afraid of me? "

"What?no! And why am i afraid to you?"

"Well maybe im too sexy for your liking dont you think? Or are you more afraid to yourself either lisa?That you might can't control your self?to touch me . to kiss me roam your hands all over my body. To fu-"

"Oh god your crazy!Get out of here now!" I exclaim she just laugh and step more closer to me that I can smell her heavenly sweet perfume I back away and she step forward to me.

"W-what are you doing? " I stutter.

"Well let's see what am I going to do ms.manoban. " she smerk. That smerk telling me that she has an evil plan on her mind.

"w-what ?you really crazy s-stop-"

"Yeah crazy for you lisa. ." And one more step back I feel the cold wall in my back then she pressed her body to me I stiffen at the contact of her body molded to mine.

She trace her delicate fingers on my bangs down to my cheeks.
"Your touch makes me crazy lisa"

Then her touch goes down to my nose to my lips.shes looking at my lips intensely
"Your lips touching mine I crave of it lisa "

Then her hands down to my neck  she draw small circle on my neck and nibbled it sucking it and tracing her sloppy tongue. A moan escape my lips as my eyes automatically close.
"Your neck that I just wanted to nibble and leave a mark on it" she whispered to my ear sexyly and  nibble it gently.

I fist my hands because of how sexy her voice is I can feel my cock getting hard on my boxer.

Her hands travel down to my shoulders down to my fingers while she ravish my neck endlessly
I let again a groan escape my lips .because of how good it is.

Then suddenly she stop sucking my neck that I'm surely has leave a mark on it already she stared at me and planted a kiss on my lips  she  gently  hold my hand and said.

"And your  sexy slinder fingers that I just wanted to Insert to my Lil pussy is really tempting "she said then my eyes widen when she guided my two fingers inside her mouth.

The feeling of her sloopy  mouth enveloping  my fingers is really turning me on she suck my fingers while maintaining our eye contact.

I want her to stop but I don't want her to stop either.  I want to push her away and dragged outside of my room but It seems I  can't even  move on my spot the feeling of her hot body to mine seems so good to me.

She moan while sucking my hands then a plopped of  sound when she release my finger on her mouth she stared at me and guided my hands to her covered  breast.

Then when my hands has a contact on her mounds we both moan at the hot feeling. me feeling her soft mound in my hands is like a heaven I just wanted to ripped her clothes and  grip her breast and suck her pink nipples. .

"Oh god so good~"she moaned eyes close then when she open  her eyes our eyes met  and withen a seconds her lips is on mine .
We kissed hungerly like we need it more than the  air. we bite and suck our each others lips  and I heard a whimper coming from her mouth when I enter her mouth with my tongue we battle for our dominance like there's no tomorrow she grinned her body to my lower part and my cock twitch because of her tracks I can feel she's smerking into my lips.

She pulled my hair to deepen the kiss  and she hug my neck between her two arms  then I lifted her up and she wrap her legs into my waist. .


Fuck that. .

"I'm going to fuck you until the sunrise come rubyjane. And you cannot feel your legs anymore understand?   " I huskyly said catching my breathing while I make my way to the bed .

"Oh I need you to fuck   me hard lisa" she answer  but I automatically claimed her lips again .

HER TOUCH! (Jenlisa G!P)Where stories live. Discover now