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"You! Your that girl!"shock plastered on her face same as me .finger pointing at me in disbelief.

"You've gotta kidding me"i curse my self mentally she's that stranger girl  i fuck that night.dammit!

"What a small world ...manoban right? I didn't have any idea  I'm going to see you again today what a coincidence isn't? "she smirk devilishly while crossing her arms glazing sharply and smirking at me.

"Oh you already know each other huh.mind  telling me when or how do you meet each other? "Her father ask to us my eyes suddenly widen in horror.

'Oh crap this is bad! '

'Fuck I'm in trouble goddammet!'

"Nah! do you really want to know father? I bet you don't want to know,  lets say its kinda~"

"Ermm! "I cut her off and drink my water in one gulp.and slam the empty glass a little hard to the mini table.

"It's not r-really interesting Mr. Kim we happened to  bump into each other and we t-talk a little bit and that's it." I stutter causing the older man to raise he's eyebrows.

Her daughter chuckled while shaking her head still eyeing me " yeah father we just BUMP into each other accidentally well she's a good accompany tho."she emphasise her word BUMP while  smirking at me devilishly .

"Is that so?"her father ask.

"Oh believe me father it is. right ms.manoban?  "ms.kim eying at me meaningfully smirk and wink at me..

'Oh Lord help me..I'm screwed shit shit shit!'

"Ha-ha-ha y-yeah. "i fake laugh oh god I've never been these nervous in my life not untill these day I'm fuck up!.

She chuckled while biting her lips seductively. .

'Is she trying to seduce me?'

Oh goddd!These girl is really going to be the death of me!.



A/N:hey gayss please forgive me for grammatical errors in advance ,basically English is not my first language,so yeah I'm sorry if I have so much mistake if ever please let me know so that I can correct it.and if ever these story is getting lame I'm sorry in advance  I'm still learning to wrote a story in wattpad I'm used to write a story in my notebook since grade school kekeke skl .

btw  these book is full of smuts . AND LET ME REMIND YOU THESE IS A G!P STORY of course  lisa is the OPPA here kekeke. and if you ever uncomfortable with the story  your free to leave these. and if your below 18 you better not be! these only contain 18 years old above and has   content of mature scene  for readers.so if you don't like it don't read these arrasso?..so yeah chapter one has already an [M] scene so fuck off bitches and enjoy the story hahaha.(;

DISCLAIMER:these book is just a work of fiction the events,places is just pure of imagination. names ,characters, and people is  may be true .and please READ FOR YOUR OWN SAKE! Enjoy reading Bitches kekeke..... d(○_○)b..

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