Back To School: Class Tips

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1. Leave your phone in your locker or bag:
Your phone is just going to be a distraction. If you really need it, put it on silent and facedown on your desk.

2. Raise your hand if you don't understand something:
Ask the teacher. You are most likely nothing only one who doesn't understand but everyone else is just as shy as you are to raise their hand.

3. If you're really too shy:
Keep your questions until after class when everyone leaves

4. Actually try and listen:
If you're  zoning in and out waiting for the time to pass, you'll never understand or learn anything.

5. Take notes:
Don't think just because you understand something, it means you'll remember it forever. Write everything down so you can look back in case you forget.

6. Don't cheat or copy off of friends:
When it comes to the test, you won't understand a thing on it because you copied it from someone else instead of actually learning it yourself

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